theParks is a fashion shop located in Sydney. This project we helped them to build a online platform, and also this was bulit as the second project in the SEI43 course at General Assembly. We were given 1 week to build an application using Ruby on Rails and any other resources we like. Check out the application here.
admin login
- email:
- password: chicken
user login
- email:
- password: chicken
sign up use your own detail
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgresSQL - database
- Bootstrap - Styling framework
- Heroku - deployment
- gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7'
- gem 'rails_12factor', group: :production
- gem 'pg_search'
- gem 'bootstrap'
- gem 'jquery-rails'
- gem 'cloudinary'
- Can't shop add to cart.
- Fix bugs
- To add a search bar for all products.
- Finsh the add to cart system.
- Introduce the ability to take card payments.
Qiong DAI