Salt References
Command Line examples
Call a specific state from a node: salt-call state.sls general.set_authorized_keys
Increase debug level: salt-call -l debug state.apply
salt key:
$ salt-key -L # list keys on master
$ salt-key -A # accept all pending keys, unsecure
$ salt-key -f minion-id # get fingerprint of key from minion-id
$ salt-key -a # accept key for that minion
Return all a minions grains, (information about the underlying system known to the minion):
- Remotely, from the master:
salt minion.fqdn grains.items
- Locally, from the minion:
salt-call -g
Running a salt command from the master on certain minions based on a grain:
salt -G 'osfinger:Scientific Linux-7' state.sls general.autoupdate
Find out where samba is running:
salt '*' 'service smb status > /dev/null 2>&1 && if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then me=$(hostname -s); echo "samba is running on $me"; fi'
Targets can be filtered by regular expression: salt -E 'virtmach[0-9]'
Targets can be explicitly specified in a list: salt -L 'foo,bar,baz,quo'
Or Multiple target types can be combined in one command: salt -C 'G@os:Ubuntu and webser* or E@database.*'
A dry or test run can be done as follows:
salt state.highstate test=True # from the master
salt-call state.highstate test=True # from the minion
To call a highstate from a node with the reboot flag set: salt-call state.highstate pillar='{"reboot": "yes"}'
Code Blocks and snippets from state files that can't go anywhere else
Find and replace in a file:
- replace
- name: /etc/fstab
- pattern: "boole01.ib:/home /home nfs rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft,intr,defaults,rdma,port=2050 0 0 /home nfs rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft,intr,defaults 0 0"
- repl: "boole01.ib:/home /home nfs rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft,intr,defaults,rdma,port=2050 0 0"
Differentiating via a grain based on the hardware in a minion:
[root@service01:/srv/salt/clusters/nodes/gpu-boole]# git diff de90ab58d35afcf8afae68967f9c44ad8ce61701 05c8aa77fdbaac42356f5ab357928e98693e528b
diff --git a/salt/clusters/nodes/gpu-boole/init.sls b/salt/clusters/nodes/gpu-boole/init.sls
index be25487..8e8d7b9 100644
--- a/salt/clusters/nodes/gpu-boole/init.sls
+++ b/salt/clusters/nodes/gpu-boole/init.sls
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# setup NVIDIA GK110BGL [Tesla K40m] on Boole GPU nodes
+{% if salt['grains.get']('gpus:model') == 'GK110BGL [Tesla K40m]' %}
# the nouveu modules need to be removed from the kernel
@@ -71,3 +73,5 @@ stops after nvidia drivers reboot:
- module: system.reboot nvidia_drivers
{% endif %}
+{% endif %}```
Differentiating based on OS type:
```{% if grains['osfinger'] == 'Scientific Linux-6' -%}
- pam_ldap
{% elif grains['osfinger'] == 'Scientific Linux-7' -%}
- nss-pam-ldapd
{% endif %}
differentiating for with Ubuntu:
{% if grains['osfullname'] == 'Ubuntu' %}
{% endif %}
{% if grains['osfullname'] != 'Ubuntu' %}
{% endif %}
{% if grains['osfinger'] == 'Ubuntu-14.04' %}
{% elif grains['osfinger'] == 'Ubuntu-16.04' %}
{% endif %}
differentiating based on hostname:
{% if not grains['id'][:4]=='name' %}
{% endif %}
{% if grains['host'] in ['host1', 'host2'] %}
{% endif %}
Including other states in a state
- # dots used instead of slashes for paths
Package installation:
install packages that we want on every computer:
- installed
- skip_suggestions: True #Force strict package naming. Disables lookup of package alternatives
- pkgs:
- iotop
- screen
Install specific versions on specific node by editing pillar variables. Set the pillar to the updated versions for your test node:
# testing upgraded versions on specific nodes:
{% if salt['grains.get']('id')[0:11]=='kelvin-n038' %}
gpfs_version: 3.5.0-32
{% else %}
gpfs_version: 3.5.0-29
{% endif %}
{% if salt['grains.get']('id')[0:11]=='kelvin-n038' %}
kernel_version: 2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64
{% else %}
kernel_version: 2.6.32-573.12.1.el6.x86_64
{% endif %}
Install the relevant kernel version, (pillar variable) for the node, (identified by grain):
{% if grains['kernelrelease'] != salt['pillar.get']('kernel_version') %}
install kernel packages (cmd):
- run
- name: yum -y install kernel-headers-{{ salt['pillar.get']('kernel_version') }} kernel-{{ salt['pillar.get']('kernel_version') }} kernel-devel-{{ salt['pillar.get']('kernel_version') }}
- quick way to find out what security patches are needed on a host
- only tested on Scientific Linux 6 so far
- source
- run it from the comand line: --run-yum
- use a simple managed file to distribute to minions
- managed
- mode: 700
- source: salt://tchpc-general/check_updates/
- can determine the outstanding patches on hosts then
# salt server.fqdn '/usr/local/bin/ --run-yum'
WARNING - 3 updates available: kernel kernel-firmware kernel-headers
ERROR: Minions returned with non-zero exit code