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Scott Mebberson edited this page May 5, 2014 · 3 revisions

This document covers the planning for a new, simple yet effective tool for handling forms in node.js.

Aims of the library are to:

  • create a form (in HTML) from JavaScript objects (with and without errors)
  • read form values from a JavaScript object and validate
  • return a validation object, stating errors

Heirachiral view

		field groups
	field group

certain objects can contain only certain objects

form can contain:

  • fieldset
  • fieldGroup
  • field

fieldset can contain:

  • field group
  • field

fieldGroup can contain:

  • field


The following outlines each object and how they work.


The following can be defined on a form:

- action			String
- method			String
- attributes		Object
- theme				Object


The following can be defined on a fieldset:

- legend			String
- attributes		Object


Nothing can be defined on a fieldGroup.


The following can be defined on a field:

- name				String
- type				String
- value				String
- widget			Object
- attributes		Object
- errors			Array
- validators		Array
- validates			Boolean

Adding and removing fields

The following will exist on form, fieldset and formGroup.

  • unshift
  • push
  • addAfter (name, index)
  • addBefore (name, index)


Themes would control how the form is rendered. A default theme will be provided by formist. Other themes will exist in seperate modules (i.e. formist-bootstrap).

A theme should provide methods for each type of object that can be rendered, and specific rendering methods for any object as required.

Defining a custom theme

		form: function () {
			// ...
			return '<form>{{content}}</form>';
		fieldset: function () {
			// ...
			return '<fieldset>{{content}}</fieldset>';
		particularField: function () {
			// ...
			return '<input type="text"></input>';

Customisation API

A simple API would be provided for customising the form at any level. By passing in a render method, this will be executed with the following signature:

renderFn(type, object);


Creating a form

	var f = new forms.form({
		action, method, attributes


			legend, attributes



	var f = new forms.form({
		action, method, attributes
	}, [

			legend, attributes


Rendering a form

	var f = new forms.form({
		action, method, attributes, render

	var formHTML = f.render();

Rendering errors with values

	var f = new forms.form({
		action, method, attributes

	var formHTML = f.render(formResult);

Return a validation object

	var f = new forms.form({
		action, method, attributes

	var validated = f.validate(formResult);