👋 Hello! I am Pete, and I'm a seasoned backend/full-stack engineer who's added real value to teams and projects of all shapes and sizes, using many different languages and technologies!
🔎 My Ideal Job
- I was finally let go by Classkick along with a few others after surviving 4 or 5 "reduction in force"'s and hence I am on the looking for something rewarding, stimulating and fun (where possible!) that ideally leaves the World in a better place, even if just a little.
- Three Seed/A-Series companies I've recently worked for have struggled financially and so I'm looking for more financial stability this time: a more mature Start-Up or a fully fledged company.
- In terms of role or position, I like to be the "right hand man" of the team lead or PM. A senior individual contributor who's able to tackle chunky projects, mentor more junior staff, architect subsystems and so on. I am not a team leader, nor a Project Manager 😄
My top Languages/Technologies
Proficiency | Languages |
Expert | Java |
Expert | C# |
Intermediate | Python |
Intermediate | AWS, GCP, Containers, K8S |
🌱 I’m currently learning Python
- I've enjoyed using it to date and feel that its creator and the Python community have done a good job at keeping the ecosystem organized and sane.
- It sounds trivial but it isn't: the lack of brackets really reduces visual noise and makes code a good chunk easier to read, it really does.
- The list slicing and comprehension syntax is complex and terse but delivers big rewards once you begin to remember the various rules.
- One area I need to freshen up on is Multiprocessing. The last time I read about it, the GIL was the big problem, meaning that whilst multithreading was possible, multiprocessing was not as you were effectively limited to 1 process.
Fun Stuff
- 💬 Ask me about the name of the place where I used to pick strawberries for pocket money
- 📫 How to reach me: my email is of the format firstnamelastname@gmail.com and my first name is peter and last is kingswell 😄
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him/His
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a cyborg! Of sorts, heh