Software Engineer located in ATX
const connor = {
pronouns: ["He", "Him"],
bio: `I am a self-taught software developer with a degree in
Psychological Sciences and background in data analytics
and left academia to pursue coding and web development
full time!`,
interests: ["music", "video games", "horror films", "web development"],
skills: {
programmingLanguages: ["JavaScript", "TypeScript", "R", "Python"],
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Redux", "jQuery", "NextJS", "AngularJS"],
css: ["SCSS", "MaterialUI", "Tailwind", "Bootstrap"]
backEnd: {
js: ["Node", "Express"],
dataScience: {
r: ["tidyverse", "ggplot2"],
python: ["pandas", "NumPy"]
devOps: {
automation: ["Cypress", "WebDriver", "Playwright"],
aws: ["Amplify", "CloudFormation", "CloudWatch", "EC2", "Systems Manager", "S3"],
cicd: ["Jenkins"]
misc: ["HTML", "Markdown", "Git", "Gitlab", "NPM", "Postman", "Storybook", "Karma", "Yup", "Formik", "Jest", "Pygame"]