A Python programme to visualise pathfinding and maze generation on a grid, using Pygame. Made it to practice implementing algorithms in python and to practice with pygame.
Clone the repo and run the Runner.py file. It has dependencies on Pygame.
Pip install pygame
Or if using a virtual environment, see the requirements.txt
Once the Pygame Window appears, the grid will initialise and you will see a GUI. Place a start and an end node to run a search algortihm.
There are a number of buttons and toggles:
- A toggle to disable the animation of the searching, instead just showing the result. This is faster than running with animation.
- A toggle to animate the shortest path
Currently there are two different maze generation algorithms implemented:
- Randomised Prim's algorithm
- Iterative Backtracking
There are currently two algorithms implemented:
- Djikstra
- A*
All examples were on a 200x200 grid.