Smear is the SMudge Environment And Runtime, a standard library for the Smudge state machine programming language.
Instead of installing Smear by itself, most people will want to install Splat, the Smudge Platform, which bundles together everything you need to use Smudge. To download, go to the Splat releases page for the latest platform release.
If you really want to install the Smear library by itself, there are binary releases available for Windows and Linux available on the Smear releases page.
Users of Debian and derivatives can add the Smudge package repository and keep smear installations current by following these directions. The package for Smear itself is called libsmear-dev.
To use this package in your own Smudge projects, build libsmear.a
In your shell of choice, run:
$ make
Put the library in your library include path. Then link your code with
-lsmear -pthread
. Also put include/smear/*
in your include path.
To get Smudge to generate bindings directly to smear for your project,
along with a minimal main
, run:
$ smudge --c-smear --c-stubs machine.smudge
Smear implements all the functions whose names start with SMUDGE_
and has handy macros for generating your event handlers. Put this in
one of your .c files:
#include <smear.h>
// Call this macro once per Smudge state machine. This is how you
// would call it for a machine called "machine".
// And this is how you'd call it for another machine called
// "traffic_light".
Then, before you send any events in your program, call
. Once your program is initialized, you can call
to start processing events. If you ever want to stop the
state machines, you can call SRT_stop()
and if you want to run
forever in a happy little Smudge world, you can call SRT_join()