Using a trained machine learning model, you are able to predict, to a 65% accuracy, what food you take a photo of. Once the prediction is made, an image and image description, provided by Wikipedia, tells you more about your food. Share what you're eating on Twitter!
- Install Cocoapods
- Install Python 2.7
- Install Swift 4
- Install Xcode 9
- Python Environment
- Food Caffe Model
- Python 2.7
- CoreML
- TwitterKit
- Safari Services Framework
- Tensorflow
- Nvidia
- Right now, I'm not looking for contributors as I plan to pivot this project. Once I have a plan in place, I'll open it up to contributers.
- Twitter Dev Team and their amazing docs
- Satya Mallick - Used his preconfigured Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that have Caffe and NVIDIA’s DIGITS already set up.