A tool to simplify everyday tasks for the common corporate programmer.
batarang consists of various modules, each supporting a distinct system or task. Each module provides a list of actions and batarang is in the end not much more than a simple interface to search & execute the tasks provided by all activated modules.
The bitbucket module can index repositories from a single bitbucket server installation. Especially handy if you regularly need to browse or clone repositories. If you work with a single repo most of the time, this module might not help you very much.
- Clone a repository
- Browse a repository
The jenkins meodule can index the jobs in a single jenkins installation.
- Run a job
- Browse a job
The RobinModule will support external task definitions e.g. shell scripts. You might wonder why you need a task runner to run shell scripts if you already have ... a shell. Well, don't ask me :D
- graalvm 20.3.0 (openjdk 11)
- Build and local install the latest
branch of lanterna
If you plan to contribute, please install commit hook via
./gradlew install-pre-commit-hook
./gradlew shadowJar
./gradlew nativeImage
see rebuild.sh