This is a starter kit for building static prototypes and real world web projects. It has a Gulp-powered build system with:
- Based on Foundation
- Ships with angular 1
- Separate config file: config.yml
- Simple HTML templating using gulp-file-include:
- Sass compilation and prefixing
- JavaScript concatenation
- BrowserSync server
- Auto generated styleguide
- Js transpiling of es2015 using babel
- For production builds:
- CSS compression
- JavaScript compression
- Image compression
To use this starter kit, your computer needs:
- NodeJS
- Bower
- Gulp-cli
Install Bower and Gulp-cli globally using
npm install bower -g
npm install gulp-cli -g
Install npm and bower dependencies:
npm install
bower install
Start developing frontend stuff in assests folder, never work directly in public folder - it is wiped on every build. Compile assets with one of the following commands.
Want a production ready build?
gulp build --production
Want a single development build?
gulp build
Frontenders choice: build, watch for file changes and fire up browsersync:
Backenders choice: build and watch for file changes:
gulp watcher