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Community-sourced reviews for NUS modules


These reviews are based on different criteria:

Difficulty: How difficult the module is, this can be in terms of how much technical or conceptual understanding is required to ace the module

Workload: How much workload the module entails, this can be in terms of the amount of submissions weekly, over the semester or simply the number of hours of commitment the module requires

Practicality: How much practical benefit the module brings to the student, this can be in terms of the learning experience from the module which can be applied in a work environment.

Enjoyability: How much fun the module entails, simply put: how much the student enjoys taking this module!

As this platform is in its initial stages, there's a lack of reviews and content. Would appreciate it if you guys help to leave a review or two!

Future plans and development

Features to be added in the near future:

  1. Module Leaderboard: Where we can see top-rated modules for each criteria
  2. User management: Users can view/edit/delete their past submissions, as well as create their own avatar and nickname
  3. Dark Mode

To track the current development progress, you can visit this kanban board here.

To start contributing, check out the dev notes here.

For any suggestions for future features, you can create a new issue in this repository! Of course, open-source contributions are welcomed!


Community-sourced reviews for NUS modules







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