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My Portfolio

Welcome to my GitHub repository! Here, I showcase various projects spanning multiple domains. Below, you'll find a categorized list of my work, along with links to specific projects and their descriptions. Click on a hyperlink for more detailed descriptions within each domain.

Table of Contents

Bayesian Inference

Explore my Bayesian Inference projects, where I utilize probabilistic modeling and statistical methods to address various problems.

  • Bayesian Neural Network in TensorFlow

    • Implementation of Bayesian Neural Networks using TensorFlow, modeling both Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty, and inference with Bayes by Backprop using TensorFlow Probability Layers.
  • Variational Auto-Encoder

    • Generation of new fashion MNIST Data using Variational Auto-Encoders, based on minimizing the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO).
  • Approximate Integration

    • Integration using Monte-Carlo Estimation, comparison with true values, and Gaussian Quadrature Methods for calculating Entropy of a PDF.
  • Bayesian Coin Tossing

    • Bayesian Statistics model for a simple coin toss example with PyMC3, using No U-Turn Sampling (NUTS) for posterior approximation.
  • Integration involving PDFs

    • Integration of the product of Probability Distribution Functions using Gaussian Quadrature, recovering mean and variance.
  • Parameter Estimation using MCMC

    • Parameter estimation for a single-degree-of-freedom Structural Dynamical System using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and State-Space modeling.
  • Kalman Filter State Estimation

    • State estimation of a single-degree-of-freedom Structural Dynamical System using Kalman Filter and state-space formulation.
  • Probabilistic Kalman Filter

    • Probabilistic form of Kalman Filter simplifying complex integrations for non-Gaussian assumptions.
  • Kulback-Lieber Divergence for Approximating PDF

    • Approximation of a Probability Distribution Function by minimizing the KL-Divergence.

Data Science Related

Check out my Data Science projects, including Exploratory Data Analysis, ML/DL Model Applications, Generative AI, and Bayesian Statistics.

  • Data-Driven Fantasy Premier League(FPL)

    • Utilize data from the FPL website via API call for data-driven team selection in Fantasy Premier League.
  • Sentiment Analysis RNN, LSTM

    • Hands-on NLP with Sentiment Analysis on IMDb Dataset, comparing RNN and LSTM results.
  • Neural Network Tensorflow

    • Basic Neural Networks implementation using TensorFlow, applied to the MNIST dataset.
  • Variational Auto-Encoder

    • Generation of new fashion MNIST Data using Variational Auto-Encoders, based on minimizing the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO).
  • Support Vector Machine

    • Classification with Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm using sklearn, exploring various kernel functions and hyperparameter tuning.
  • K-means Clustering

    • Unsupervised clustering with K-means, applied to the MNIST dataset using sklearn, experimenting with different values of 'k' (number of clusters).

Machine Learning From Scratch

Explore the mathematical aspects of ML models by building them from scratch based on their formulations. Read more here.

Operator Learning

Discover my projects on Operator Learning, applying Deep Learning models to Differential Equations.

  • Deep-O-Net

    • Implementation of Deep-O-Net using PyTorch for Operator Learning.
  • Fourier Neural Operator

    • Application of a Fourier Neural Operator on 1D Burgers' Equation.

Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Explore my Physics-Informed Neural Networks projects applied to practical problems in Mechanics.


  • Solving the inverse problem of a 1D bar for Axial Stiffness (EA) using PINN with deflection data.

  • 2D PINN

    • Solution of a 2D Elastic Deformation problem using PINN, exploring the effect of different forces on strain.

Math-Related Projects

Dive into my Math-related projects utilizing concepts from Linear Algebra, Image Processing, Partial Differential Equations, and Fluid Mechanics.

  • Advection Diffusion

    • Solution of the Advection Diffusion Partial Differential Equation (PDE) on real-world wind data.
  • Image Convolution using Matrices

    • Image processing and convolution operations with matrices, applying various filters through matrix operations.
  • Partial Differential Equation

    • Solution and visualization of a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions.
  • Projectile Motion Using odeint

    • Dynamics of projectile motion using Scipy's 'odeint' library to solve differential equations, simulating the motion of a football with realistic parameters.


If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, feel free to reach out to me at or Linkedin SobanLone