Updates Cloudflare with current IP
So I got sick of all those free dynamic dns services and fortunately some nice person on Reddit came up with this idea: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/9nimtz/use_cloudflare_as_dynamic_dns_with_raspberry_pi/ If you are a Redditor please go give u/TheFirsh some tasty tasty karma.
Cloudflare will host your DNS for free, on top of a whole heap of other benefits, and they have a really good API for updating DNS records. The idea is that you run this script like you would a dynamic DNS client - it's python so entirely cross platform and uses minimal and very common libraries.
You will need to create a config.json file in the same folder as pyflare.py - this file must be json formatted and contain the following 4 elements.
# Log level for the program; it will log anything at this level or higher
# You can overwrite this with the PYFLARE_LOG_LEVEL env variable
"log_level": "",
# The email address on your Cloudflare account
"email": "",
# The Global API key on your account
"key": "",
# The zone for which you'll be updating a record (ie example.com)
"zone": "",
# The record for which you'll be updating (ie home.example.com)
# This record should already exist in Cloudflare
"record": ""
You can also change the log level (useful for debugging purposes mainly) one time, by setting the PYFLARE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable: