Estonian ENL
16th February 2017
Intel to IFTTT is solution where smartlight iot device can be controlled by Ingress location field color. Aim is to change smart bulb color based of field that is over it in ingress.
Ingress account
Android or Ios device to set up account
Computer on handheld with IITC support and IITC installed
2.4G wireless network for smart bulb
Smart bulb that has IFTTT support in this this guideline we describe in detail how to set up with Yeelight smart bulb.
System is working with local network where Yeelight smart bulb is authenticated against Xiaomi internet services. IFTTT is connected with Xiaomi account. And IITC is connected with api to IFTTT.
When in IITC map is loaded then userscript is checking biggest field at defined location and saves that ID to system. When ID is different than previous save then opens new tab with weblink that triggers IFTTT service. Based on that trigger bulb is turned on user defined colour or state.
Yeelight is available on online shopping. Depending on intended application you can choose any bulb that is supported by IFTTT.
This guideline is using Yeelight LED Bulb (Color) that cost approximately 20€ and can be ordered for example from ebay.
Download Yeelight Android test app here or update your iOS Yeelight app to the latest version.
Create account and find Bulb by guidelines from app.
Choose location "Singapore"
More support or details you can find from Yeelight forums.
Create custom scene in Yeelight app. I create scene caller green and blue
Choose colour and brightness what you like and choose right up corner (favorite)
b) Name your scene as you prefer
Create account to IFTTT
Search yeelight service
- Connect service with yeelight account that you just created.
- Search service Maker
- Create a trigger based we request
- System will give you trigger URL note that up
- Create new Applet by choosing My Applets and then New Applet
- Click on + this
- Search service caller Maker and choose it
- Choose to create receive a web request
- Use event named "ENL" if green field is over you and event “RES” if blue field is over you and Create trigger.
- Choose +that
- Search yeelight and choose it.
- Choose action - this time i want to change colour
- Choose your Yeelight Bulb name and scene that you created in app
- Choose Finish to create Applet.
- Create similar applet for blue field. Just choose color blue and call event "RES".
And if you want to change colour when no field then create similar applet and call event "NEU".
Log into IITC and zoom to your home area
Install intel-to-IFTTT plugin by opening link ""
And click on map where you want that script checks top field color
After that red dot should be available at that point
Install Periodic refresh plugin for IICT "" to autorefresh page.
Refresh IITC and if your location has field on top then IITC should automatically open and close tab to call colour change in bulb.