This system acts as a content manager thanks to which you can create and manage static pages of your website from a single place, simplifying the work process, and also the lives of developers.
Symfonic was developed in response to the need for a CMS that simplifies the creation of static pages and landing pages in Symfony-based projects. This allows our technical team to focus more on innovation and customization of applications, without being tied to repetitive tasks that do not add value.
- Why Symfonic
- How to Install and Use Symfonic
- Using Symfonic in a Clean Symfony Project
- Using Symfonic with a Sylius Project
- Adding more components to it
- Design layouts with simple or complex block structures and reuse them on different pages or sections.
- Create pages by combining modules you create yourself or using the ones we provide.
- For common sections on different pages, simplify creation with our reusable block concept.
- Manage multiple versions of the same page and preview the changes without fear of making mistakes, publish the final version when you are happy with it!
- All this with a semantic website from the first block, responsive, multi-site, multi-language and SEO ready.
Install Symfony following current instructions in
symfony new my-symfonic-project --version="6.2.*" --webapp
To work with the CMS we need a MySQL database (PostgreSQL should also be compatible).
We will use the file docker-compose.yaml that comes with the project:
Note This are development values, not ready for Production.
version: '3'
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
image: "mysql:8.0"
MYSQL_PASSWORD: nopassword
- 3306:3306
- database_data:/var/lib/mysql
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
and we can already start the container:
docker-compose up -d
In .env change the values of the MySQL database:
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
Note This step will not be needed when Softspring' Symfony Flex recipes are integrated in the contrib repository
In composer.json, we add the endpoints and we establish allow-contrib to true:
"extra": {
"symfony": {
"allow-contrib": true,
"require": "6.2.*",
"endpoint": ["", "flex://defaults"]
Until we release version 5.4 of the bundles we have to include (in composer.json):
"minimum-stability": "dev"
Note If we don't have yarn installed, we need to install it before. In Ubuntu < 18.04 there are some issues between the packages yarnpkg and cmdtest
composer require webpack
yarn install
yarn add @popperjs/core bootstrap bootstrap-icons underscore.string sass-loader@^13.0.0 sass --dev
In the file webpack.config.js
// ...
// add admin.js
.addEntry('admin', './assets/admin.js')
// ...
// uncomment sass loader
// ...
composer require softspring/symfonic:^5.4@dev
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
Note If we have a Driver error, we will need to install php-mysql in the php version we are using.
We install additional modules:
composer require softspring/cms-module-collection:^5.4
And we compile the assets
yarn build
Symfony flex should have done all the work and we will have the project ready so we can visualize it.
For the app to work properly we have to include framework.enabled_locales:
# config/packages/translation.yaml
enabled_locales: ['en', 'es']
We have been unable to overwrite templates/base.html.twig with Symfony Flex recipes, so you have to change it by hand (until we fin another solution). By now:
{# templates/base.html.twig #}
{% extends '@SfsComponents/base.html.twig' %}
We are going to use the Symfony CLI command to serve the app:
symfony server:start
Once we have done this, we will have a Not Found in .
If we go to we will be able to configure our first page.