I'm a senior backend developer, working for Urbi, building services and integrations for smart/green mobility. I'm specialised in Java, Kotlin, AWS, and Postgres. I advocate automated testing for quality and productivity.
Although I enjoy all new technologies, you'll often find me refining the fundamentals of professional software development: OO, TDD, DDD, and refactoring.
I'm fascinated by Douglas Hoftstadter's books and research, including the topic of analogies and analogy-making machines. I'm interesting in optimisation and I'm a fond user of OptaPlanner.
I like engineering, anything from oil rigs to electric vehicles, and computer science applied to engineering problems.
My current learning goal is getting a grip on the Rust programming language.
- glo: helps organising a library of game roms by looking up their hashes on public databases
- mybatis-generator-lombok-plugin: a plugin for MyBatis Generator to use Lombok annotations instead of getters and setters
- contacts-sync: originally designed as a tool to sync Gmail and LinkedIn contacts, it has become a playground to learn OAuth
- tstconfig: a system administration tool for automatic configuration testing.
Alfresco document management:
- uploader-plus: an enhanced file uploader that prompts for metadata, developed together with the great Alfresco community (thank you all).
- alfresco-inboxes: an inbox plugin implemented using the Aikau framework
Some articles I saved from my old blog: