An effort to bring Cucumber-ish BDD to Haskell.
Want to help? Join in at #hspec
on freenode!
Let's start with a simple feature:
Feature: Beta reduction of lambda terms
In order to be able to reduce lambda terms
As a programmer
I want a function that reduces lambda terms
Scenario: Reducing a simple lambda term
Given a lambda term "(λx.x)y"
When I parse it
And I reduce it
And I pretty-print it
Then the result should be "y"
This should result in the following test term:
test = (show . reduce . parse) "(λx.x)y" `shouldBe` "y"
test = flip shouldBe "y" (show (reduce (parse (id "(λx.x)y"))))
So how would we give step definitions for that? Currently I think Template Haskell is our best bet. (I do not really like it! If you have any other ideas, please let me know.)
$(given "a lambda term \"([^\"]*)\"") = id
$(when "I parse it") = parse
$(when "I reduce it") = reduce
$(when "I pretty-print it") = show
$(then_ "the result should be \"([^\"]*)\"") = flip shouldBe
This would then expand to something like:
given_0 :: String -> Maybe String
given_0 = case match input "a lambda term \"([^\"]*)\"" of
[x] -> Just (id x)
_ -> Nothing
when_0 :: String -> Maybe (String -> Term)
when_0 input
| input == "I parse it" = Just parse
| otherwise = Nothing
when_1 :: String -> Maybe (Term -> Term)
when_1 input
| input == "I reduce it" = Just reduce
| otherwise = Nothing
when_2 :: Show a => String -> Maybe (a -> String)
when_2 input
| input == "I pretty-print it" = Just show
| otherwise = Nothing
then_0 :: String -> Maybe Expectation
then_0 input = case match input "the result should be \"([^\"]*)\"" of
[x] -> Just (flip shouldBe x)
_ -> Nothing
In theory, constructing the test term from that is easy:
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative
test = fromJust $
then_0 "the result should be \"y\""
<*> when_2 "I pretty-print it"
<*> when_1 "I reduce it"
<*> when_0 "I parse it"
<*> given_0 "a lambda term \"(λx.x)y\""
The resulting values could than be applied to the term we get from the first
Other efforts to implement a Cucumber-ish BDD framework for Haskell:
- (relies on state!)
- (nothing here yet!)