VK → CSV → Yandex.Music
Simple script to transfer VK Music to Yandex.Music.
It works with VKMP music collector, written by @BpArCuCTeMbI.
You can also use any CSV dump as input in the following format: artist,title
- Python 3.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
# for VKMP
pip install -r VKMP/requirements.txt
# show help message
python main.py -h
# fetch tracks with VKMP and import to Yandex.Music playlist name VK2YA
python main.py --playlist VK2YA
# load tracks from dump.csv (no VKMP) and import to Yandex.Music playlist VK2YA
python main.py --file dump.csv --playlist VK2YA
# import tracks from dump.csv to playlist VK2YA and like them
python main.py --file dump.csv -u <yandex-login> --like
# resume importing, skip not found tracks and already imported tracks
python main.py --file dump.csv -u <yandex-login> --resume