This repository contains the code and results of our paper "A Characterization of Political Communities on Reddit".
- In order to run the code you need to download the Reddit data first. The data can be downloaded from:
- The path for the downloaded data should then be updated in all notebooks.
- The files and folders need to run in the correct order: 01 before 02 etc.
- numpy
- fastText
- nltk
- plotly
- matplotlib
- gzip
- pickle
- vaderSentiment
- sklearn
The results are stored in two folders.
Files > 100MB are only available on google drive:
- Plots: The plots folder contains the plots and tables generated.
- Results: The Results folder contains the results of the calculations.
- Links
- comment_links.pickle.gz
- stores information about the frequencies of all top level domains posted on the studied subreddits.
- Example: comment_links['The_Donald'] returns all domains posted on The_Donald alongside their frequency.
- This is a Counter object so one can type comment_links['The_Donald'].most_common(100) to get the top 100 shared domains.
- comment_full_links.pickle.gz
- stores information about the frequencies of each link posted on studied subreddits.
- Example: comment_full_links['politics'] returns all links posted on politics alongside their frequency.
- This is a Counter object so one can type comment_links['politics'].most_common(100) to get the top 100 shared links.
- comment_links.pickle.gz
- Word Frequencies
- word_freq.pickle.gz
- stores information about the relative count of all words posted on the studied subreddits.
- Example: word_freq['The_Donald'] returns all words posted on The_Donald alongside their frequency.
- This is a Counter object so one can type word_freq['The_Donald'].most_common(100) to get the top 100 shared words.
- word_freq_unique.pickle.gz
- stores information about the relative diff count of all words posted on the studied subreddits.
- word_freq.pickle.gz
- Sentiment
- sentiment_The_Donald.pickle.gz: contains sentiment score for all comments posted on The_Donald
- sentiment_politics.pickle.gz: contains sentiment score for all comments posted on politics
- ...
- sentiment_altright.pickle.gz: contains sentiment score for all comments posted on politics
- WordEmbeddings
- We have the word embeddings for all studied subreddits.
- Subreddit Embeddings
- We have subreddit embeddings calcualted as described in this article:
- Links
- We are still cleaning the code and results to make it easier to understand and reuse.