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To run the benchmarks from command line:

mvn clean compile exec:exec

Run a specific bench:

mvn clean compile exec:exec -Djmh.benchmark=CloningBench

Run with a profiler:

mvn clean compile exec:exec -Djmh.extra.flag=-prof -Djmh.extra.value=jfr

GitHub Action

There is a github action which can be triggered manually to run the benchmarks:


The CI job runs tests for the benchmarks and runs them in an abbreviated manner. The should use the -ea flag to ensure the asserts are made, but this flag can be omitted for the real benchmarks so as not interfere with the results.


Reports are writtem in md files. Currently in the wiki (but not sure this is a good idea).

Result Injection

The benchmark results can be injected into the wiki pages by embedding a code block as follows:


Where StreamBuilderBench is the name of the benchmark. This allows for the results to be replaced in a reentrant manner.

This approach could also be used for the github pages. Which is better, wiki or github pages? wiki won't trigger ci

curChunk = (E[]) new Object[1 << initialChunkPower]; initialChunkPower = 4 1 << 1 = 2 1 << 2 = 4 1 << 3 = 8 1 << 4 = 16

starts with 8 spines 8 - 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 - 2^(8+3) 16 - 524,288 - 2^(16+3) 32 - 34,359,738,368 - 2^(32+3)

worst case, spine arrays are copied twice

what about these? ArrayBuilderBench ArrayListBuilderBench

jmh profiles? Supported profilers: cl: Classloader profiling via standard MBeans comp: JIT compiler profiling via standard MBeans gc: GC profiling via standard MBeans jfr: Java Flight Recorder profiler pauses: Pauses profiler perfc2c: Linux perf c2c profiler safepoints: Safepoints profiler stack: Simple and naive Java stack profiler

different jvm's? each jvm is a separate run, so how to push results to wiki? need to pass the jvm into the scripts so it can be used for the replacement the jdk version will be required in code block, otherwise the different jvm jobs would overwrite each other it would be nice to have results from different jvm's in the one block, so they can be compared only way is to append a jvm column onto the results this should not be too hard to do easy to add the column, but how to combine the results from different jobs in one block? when replacing the block, it could match against the jvm and only replace those lines

  • extract block
  • remove lines matching jdk
  • append new lines for the jdk
  • sort lines - need to sort don't know where new lines fit in

need to sort based on columns, csv would be better for this csv output won't look nice for the md files could use csv if there was a way to map to a table in the md file

Another way is to combine the results from all the jobs, eg: job2: needs: job1

Will this wait for all the jobs to complete? Yes, it works brilliantly

Following the maven dir structure: src/main/java src/test/java src/cicd/bash src/cicd/groovy src/cicd/pipeline


Explore various ideas through experimentation







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