Simple express/knex/bookshelf util for common routes that emerge on every rest api.
See docs for more details.
# you'll need express, knex and bookshelf too
npm install common-routes --save
- Express (with body-parser/json middleware)
- Bookshelf (and the bookshelf-page plugin)
- Knex
- the sql driver for your database
// src/routes/area.js
const commonRoutes = require("common-routes");
const { knex, Bookshelf } = require("../config");
const router = require("express").Router();
const Area = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
idAttribute: "idarea",
tableName: "area",
state() {
return this.belongsTo(require("./state").State, "idstate");
const withRelated = ["state"];
(qb, query) => {
if (query.textoBusca) {
let s = query.textoBusca;
qb.where("descricao", "ilike", `%${s}%`);
delete query.textoBusca;
module.exports = {
Then require this router on your main app:
// src/main.js
const express = require("express");
const { json } = require("body-parser");
const app = express();
app.use("/area", require("./routes/area").router);
// ...
Once you pass this router to your express app, the following routes will be available:
route | verb | purpose |
/area/list | GET | Lists all areas. Can pass page and pageSize as query parameters. |
/area/count | GET | Counts all areas. |
/area/:id | GET | Gets one area by id. the real name of the key column the model already knows. |
/area/save | POST | Inserts a new entity. |
/area/save | PUT | Updates an entity. It must have a valid ID |
/area/:id | DELETE | Detetes one entity. with the given id |
See docs for more details.