This project demostrates how a secure infrastructure inside AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) network is built for a particular company, who uses WordPress CMS for its main business website, and a Tooling Website for their DevOps team. As part of the company’s desire for improved security and performance, a decision has been made to use a reverse proxy technology from NGINX to achieve this. The infrastructure will look like following diagram:
The following outlines the steps taken:
- Creating a sub-account 'DevOps' from my AWS master account in the AWS Organisation Unit console
- Creating an AWS Organization Unit (OU) 'Dev' within the Root account(Dev resources will be launched in there)
- Moving the DevOps account into the Dev OU
- Logging in to the newly created AWS account
- Creating a hosted zone in the Route 53 console and mapping it to the domain name acquired from freenom.
- Creating a VPC from the VPC console
- Creating subnets for the public and private resources
- Creating a route table and associating it with public subnets
- Creating another route table and associating it with private subnets
- Creating an Internet Gateway
- Attaching the Internet Gateway to the VPC
- Editing a route in public route table, and associating it with the Internet Gateway. (This is what allows a public subnet to be accessible from the Internet).
- Creating 3 Elastic IPs
- Creating a Nat Gateway and assigning one of the Elastic IPs to it
- Setting up Security Group for Application load balancer in a way that it will allow https traffic from any IP address.
- Setting up Security Group for Nginx servers in a way that it will allow https traffic only from the Application Load balancer and allow bastion servers to ssh into it.
- Setting up Security Group for bastion server in a way that it will only allow access from the workstations that need to SSH into the bastion servers.
- Setting up Security Group for internal Application Load balancer in a way that it will allow traffic only from Nginx servers
- Setting up Security Group for Webservers in a way that it will allow https traffic only from the internal Application Load balancer
- Setting Security Group for the Data Layer subnet in a way that it will allow TCP port 3306 traffic only from the webservers.
- 3 EC2 Instance based on Red Hat of the T2 micro family were launched for Nginx, bastion and the one for the two webservers
For The Baston Server
- After connecting to it through ssh on the terminal, the following commands are run to install some necessary softwares:
- Creating an AMI out of the Bastion EC2 instance
For Nginx Server
- After connecting to EC2 Instance for the Nginx through ssh on the terminal, the following commands are run to install some necessary softwares:
- After connecting to the EC2 instance for the tooling and wordpress site through SSH on the terminal, the following commands are run to install some necessary softwares:
- Creating an AMI out of the EC2 instance
For Bastion Server
- Setting up a launch template with the Bastion AMI
- Ensuring the Instances are launched into the public subnet
- Entering the Userdata to update yum package repository and install ansible and mysql
For Nginx Server
- Setting up a launch template with the Nginx AMI
- Ensuring the Instances are launched into the public subnet
- Assigning appropriate security group
- Entering the Userdata to update yum package repository and install Nginx
For Tooling Server
- Setting up a launch template with the Bastion AMI
- Ensuring the Instances are launched into the public subnet
- Assigning appropriate security group
- Entering the Userdata to update yum package repository and apache server
For Wordpress Server
- Setting up a launch template with the Bastion AMI
- Ensuring the Instances are launched into the public subnet
- Assigning appropriate security group
- Configure Userdata to update yum package repository and install wordpress and apache server
For Nginx Server
- Selecting Instances as the target type
- Ensuring the protocol HTTPS on secure TLS port 443
- Ensuring that the health check path is
For Tooling Server
- Selecting Instances as the target type
- Ensuring the protocol HTTPS on secure TLS port 443
- Ensuring that the health check path is
For Wordpress Server
- Selecting Instances as the target type
- Ensuring the protocol HTTPS on secure TLS port 443
- Ensuring that the health check path is
- Selecting the right launch template
- Selecting the VPC
- Selecting both public subnets
- Enabling Application Load Balancer for the AutoScalingGroup (ASG)
- Selecting the target group you created before
- Ensuring health checks for both EC2 and ALB
- Setting the desired capacity, Minimum capacity and Maximum capacity to 2
- Setting the scale out option if CPU utilization reaches 90%
- Activating SNS topic to send scaling notifications
For Nginx Server
For Bastion Server
For Tooling Server
For Wordpress
TLS certificates is created to handle secured connectivity to the Application Load Balancers (ALB)
- Navigating to AWS ACM
- Requesting a public wildcard certificate for the domain name you registered in Freenom
- Using DNS to validate the domain name
For External Load Balancer
- Selecting Internet facing option
- Ensuring that it listens on HTTPS protocol (TCP port 443)
- Ensuring the ALB is created within the appropriate VPC, AZ and the right Subnets
- Choosing the Certificate already created from ACM
- Selecting Security Group for the external load balancer
- Selecting Nginx Instances as the target group
For Internal Load Balancer
- Setting the Internal ALB option
- Ensuring that it listens on HTTPS protocol (TCP port 443)
- Ensuring the ALB is created within the appropriate VPC, AZ and Subnets
- Choosing the Certificate already created from ACM
- Selecting Security Group for the internal load balancer
- Selecting webserver Instances as the target group
- Ensuring that health check passes for the target group
Configuring the Listener on the Internal ALB to route traffic to wordpress server
- Create an EFS filesystem
- Create an EFS mount target per AZ in the VPC, associate it with both subnets dedicated for data layer
- Associate the Security groups created earlier for data layer.
- Create an EFS access point. (Give it a name and leave all other settings as default)
For Tooling DNS record
For Wordpress record
- Entering the url will route traffic from the application load balancer to the nginx and then to the server for wordpress site through the internal ALB:
- Entering the url will route traffic from the application load balancer to the nginx and then to the internal ALB which forwards the traffic to the server for tooling site: