Ansible role to install Docker stand-alone or in swam mode on a RHEL/CentOS 7 host.
Swarm support is work in progress but it can successfully build a running cluster.
The file containing the TLS key for accessing the Docker API is currently not encrypted. It could be encrypted with ansible-vault because the copy module would decrypt it on the fy. Unfortunately it's also currently fetched unconditionally after that. This should be changed.
- name: "Docker Setup"
hosts: legolas-docker
- { role: docker-new, docker_selinux_enabled: True, docker_icc: False, docker_bip: '', docker_ipv6: True, docker_fixed_ipv6_cidr: 'fdd0:2216:12ff:f9ab::/64' }
tags: [ 'docker' ]
# First node (must be a manager)
- hosts: toolchain-docker-build.0
ansible_user: 'ansible'
ansible_ssh_common_args: '-i ../secrets/ssh-ansible/id_rsa'
- role: docker
docker_swarm: True
docker_swarm_manager: True
docker_tls_generate_if_not_exists: True
tags: ['swarm']
# More manager nodes (pass worker-token.txt to get workers)
- hosts: toolchain-docker-build:!toolchain-docker-build.0
ansible_user: 'ansible'
ansible_ssh_common_args: '-i ../secrets/ssh-ansible/id_rsa'
- role: docker
docker_swarm: True
docker_swarm_manager: True
docker_tls_generate_if_not_exists: False
docker_swarm_manager_ipv4_address: "{{ hostvars[groups['toolchain-docker-build.0'][0]]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}"
docker_swarm_manager_token: "{{ lookup('file', './files/vm---toolchain-docker-build01/docker-swarm/manager-token.txt') }}"
docker_tls_key: "./files/{{ hostvars[groups['toolchain-docker-build.0'][0]]['ansible_hostname'] }}/docker-tls/key.pem"
docker_tls_cert: "./files/{{ hostvars[groups['toolchain-docker-build.0'][0]]['ansible_hostname'] }}/docker-tls/cert.pem"
docker_tls_ca: "./files/{{ hostvars[groups['toolchain-docker-build.0'][0]]['ansible_hostname'] }}/docker-tls/ca.pem"
tags: ['swarm']