A tweening library written in ClojureScript. Can be used for CSS animation or use cases where a range of values needs to be tweened. Can tween single value, vector or matrix
[com.kaicode/tweenie "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"]
(def single-value-tweening (tween {:from 1 :to 1000
:duration 1000
:easing-fn ease-out
:on-update (fn [val]
(let [s (dom/by-id "category-Sandwiches")]
(layout/position s val 0))
(def vector-tweening (tween {:from [0 0] :to [1000 200]
:duration 10000
:easing-fn ease-linear
:on-update (fn [[x y]]
(let [s (dom/by-id "category-Sandwiches")]
(layout/position s x y))
(def matrix-tweening (tween {:from matrix/identity-matrix :to (matrix/multiply
(layout/translate-x 1000)
(layout/translate-y 200)
(layout/scale 1.5)
:duration 10000
:easing-fn ease-out
:on-update (fn [m]
(let [s (dom/by-id "category-Sandwiches")]
(layout/set-transform-matrix! s m))