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Welcome to our version of Steffen Brendorff's card game "The Game" that promotes teamwork and having fun with eachother. This app was created as a part of the UZH-course "Software Engineering Lab".

Table of contents

  1. Motivaiton & Game Rules
  2. Technologies
  3. High-level components
  4. Launch & Deployment
  5. Illustrations
  6. Roadmap
  7. Authors & Acknowledgement
  8. License

Motivation & Game Rules

There is an existing card game called “The Game” by Steffen Brendorff that we played when first sitting together in our SoPra-group. We thought to ourselves that this is a very fun game that also lets a group of people get to know each other in a way that is not very typical. It allows the players to get to know the way of thinking of their group members. Additionally, we have not found an existing online version of “The Game” so this was definitely a hole we wanted to fill.
Our version “De Game” is inspired heavily by “The Game”. It is an online version of the card game where all the players compete against De Game as a team. De Game contains 99 cards that each have a number on it, namely numbers 1 through 99. The goal of the game is to play the cards that are in the players hands in ascending order. It does not matter who plays their card when, there is no player order. As soon as the group decides a certain player has the lowest card, said player lays down their card. At the beginning of the first round, everyone receives one card (Level 1). When the cards in play are not played in the correct order there is no “level up” and the next round is again played in level 1. This means that every player again receives one card. An important point is that all the cards that were in play will no longer be in the game. They can be revealed which can help for people that are good at counting cards. When all the cards are played in the correct order the group of players levels up to the next level. In level two, every player receives two playing cards. This goes on until there are no longer enough cards on the stack to start a round in the corresponding level.
Our SoPra-group likes to have fun and also to make fun of each other (in a respectful way, of course). Thus, we decided to add a fun feature, namely, “Shame Tokens”. When a player plays their card and it was not their turn because there is a lower card value in play, this player as well as the player holding the lowest card will receive a “Shame Token”. This gives the other players in the group a numeric value of shame that can be given to a player. It is important to notice that shame tokens are not something that is positive because De Game is a game that promotes teamwork. Collecting shame tokens is what leaves you on the “Loserboard” (opposite pole of usual leaderboards).


These are the technologies used in the client:

High-level components


The Home page is the first page you see when visiting our deployed Website. From here you can choose to register as a User, log in if you are already a User or to just log in as a Guest User (via Register or Login). Choosing the Guest User route will result in games and shame tokes not being saved to the User.


The Overview page is divided into three parts. The left-most part shows user-specific information. Here you can see your username, number of shame tokens, number of games completed (only for registered users), number of rounds won (only for registered users), and number of flawless games (only for registered users).

In the middles section, a list of online players is shown. This acts as a helper when wanting to check whether or not your friends are online.

On the right-hand side, a list of Losers is found. The list shows a list of registered users sorted by highest amount of shame tokens.

At the bottom of the page, there are two buttons Create Lobby and Join Lobby. The first button leads to a new lobby. The second buton releases a pop-up where an existing game pin can be entered, which leads to said game lobby.


In the Lobby view, the video call begins. Alongside the video streams of yourself and your teamplayers you can see how many more people could join a game (2 to 5 players). Additionally, the game pin is visible. This pin is used, so that other players can enter the lobby. The admin of the game (player that created the lobby) can start the game as soon as at least 2 and at most 5 players are in the lobby.


Here is where the game is played. In the GameArena all video stream are displayed, as well as the number of shame tokens a player has.

In the middle of the page is the game table. Here, the cards that have been played are visible as well as a placeholder of the stack of cards indicating how many more cards are in the game.

On the left-hand side, there is a mini navigation menu that allows a player to see the current level, read the rules, change viewing settings, and end the game (caution: this ends the game for all players).

Launch & Deployment

Prerequisites and Installation

For your local development environment, you will need Node.js.
We urge you to install the exact version v20.11.0 which comes with the npm package manager. You can download it here.
If you are confused about which download to choose, feel free to use these direct links:

If you happen to have a package manager the following commands can be used:

  • Homebrew: brew install node@20.11.0
  • Chocolatey: choco install nodejs-lts --version=20.11.0

After the installation, update the npm package manager to 10.4.0 by running npm install -g npm@10.4.0
You can ensure the correct version of node and npm by running node -v and npm --version, which should give you v20.11.0 and 10.4.0 respectively.
Before you start your application for the first time, run this command to install all other dependencies, including React:

npm install

Next, you can start the app with:

npm run dev

Now you can open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Notice that the page will reload if you make any edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console (use a Chrome-based browser).
The client will send HTTP requests to the server which can be found here.
In order for these requests to work, you need to install and start the server as well.


Testing is optional, and you can run the tests with npm run test
This launches the test runner in an interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

For macOS user running into a 'fsevents' error: jest-community/vscode-jest#423


Finally, npm run build builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance:
The build is minified, and the filenames include hashes.

See the section about deployment for more information.


This is what the Home page looks like. It is the first thing you see when followin the link to De Game.

Overview page with the three columns as described before.

This is what Lobby page looks like as a non-admin. There is no Start Game button. All players' streams are visible and there is the option to mute your own microphone. As soon as the admin chooses to start the game we advance to the next page.

Here you can see the GameArena page with all the players, the mini menu, the card stack reprsentation, the cards that have been played, the amount of cards that people still have on their hands, and you own cards.


Interactive Tutorial

To help new players understand the game, add an interactive tutorial to guide users through the game.

  • Simulate Playthroguh
  • Guide User Step-by-step

UI Improvements

Enhance user personalization by offering more freedom and creativity in customizing the website's interface.

  • Light/Dark Mode Toggle: Allow users to switch between light and dark themes to suit their preferences.
  • Customizable Table Backgrounds: Provide options for users to change the background of the table to various styles or images.
  • Personalized Color Schemes: Allow users to choose and apply their own color schemes for different elements of the UI.

These improvements will allow users to tailor their visual experience according to their preferences.

Enhanced Animations

Improve the overall user experience by implementing dynamic animations.

  • Background Animations: Moving elements in the background to create a more engaging and less static interface.
  • Card Animations:
    • Drawing Cards: Smooth animations when drawing cards to indicate action.
    • Placing Cards: Animations that highlight the card being placed on the table.
    • Shuffling Deck: Animation for shuffling the deck at the start of a game.
  • Loading Animations: Custom loading animations or spinners to indicate progress and keep users engaged.

These animations can bring the website to life and make interactions more visually appealing.

Sound Effects

To further enhance the user experience, incorporating sound effects could be highly beneficial.

  • Card Interactions:

    • Drawing a Card
    • Playing a Card
    • Shuffling Deck
  • Correct and Incorrect Actions:

    • Correct Action
    • Incorrect Action
  • General User Actions:

    • Mute/Unmute: To signify the mute/unmute action.
    • Navigation Clicks: For example, when clicking a button.

By integrating these sound effects, the website will offer a more immersive and engaging experience, making interactions feel more responsive and rewarding.

Authors & Acknowledgement

We thank our teaching assistant Louis Caerts for supporting us during the development of this application.


The 2.0 version of the Apache License was approved by th ASF in 2004.