This script aggregates all new TV and movie releases for the past x days and writes to your web directory and sends out an email.
- Windows - Tested
- Linux - Tested
- FreeBSD/FreeNAS - Tested
- Mac - Tested
- QNAP - User Tested
- Python 2.7 - Windows: 32 bit -
- Windows - 32 bit DLL for SQLite version - (Put this into the DLLs folder of the Python installation)
- Requests module for Python. pip install requests or download it here and put it in the LIb folder of your Python installation:
- If web reports are wanted, a web server (i.e. Wamp, Apache, etc.)
- Clone this repo or download the zip
- Copy the contents of scripts to where you want the script to run from
- Copy the contents of web to your web folder
- Update the config.conf file inside the scripts folder
- Schedule a weekly task to execute plexEmail.vbs from the scripts folder (make sure to set the start in folder as the folder where the vbs script resides)
- Install python 2.7.9
- Copy the contents of scripts to where you want the script to run from
- Copy the contents of web to your web folder
- Update the config.conf file inside the scripts folder
- Schedule a weekly cron job to execute the script
Thanks to adrianwi:
Thanks to nickiman:
Pass in an alternate config file. For example, the default config file sends out a daily email (using Cloudinary), while an alternate config file is set up for a weekly web page.
python -c C:\files\plexEmailWeekly.conf
Run in test mode (send email only to sender address)
python -t
Pass a special one-time notice to users
python -n "This is a special notice to all users"
Output the current script version
python --version
The config file is in the scripts folder. Before first run of the script, please update this file with your information.
- plex_data_folder - Location where the Plex Media Server folder is located - i.e. E:\Library\Plex\
- web_folder - Location of web/www/public_html folder is located - i.e. C:\wamp\www\
- date_format - Format to use for the date
- date_days_back_to_search - Number of days to search backwards
- date_hours_back_to_search - Number of hours to search backwards
- date_minutes_back_to_search - Number of minutes to search backwards
- plex_web_server_guid - If DLNA is enabled, this can be left blank; otherwise set this if using plex web links. Example (the portion of all X's is the value):!/server/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/details/%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F43268
- logging_debug_level - Logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
- logging_file_location - Leave blank to use default location - logs folder where the script file resides
- logging_retain_previous_logs - True to append to the log file or False to overwrite the log file on every run of the script.
- plex_username - Plex account username of the server
- plex_password - Plex account password of the server
- web_enabled - Enable the creation of the web page
- web_only_save_images - Will not create the index.html, but will still save images to the image folder.
- web_domain - Domain name of the web page
- web_path - Path on the domain to the web page
- web_delete_previous_images - True to delete all .jpg images in the web image folder prior to copying over current images
- web_skip_if_no_additions - True to skip creating a web page if there are no new additions
Cloudinary - Sign up for a free account at:
- upload_use_cloudinary - Use Cloudinary image hosting
- upload_cloudinary_cloud_name - Cloudinary cloud name
- upload_cloudinary_api_key - Cloudinary api key
- upload_cloudinary_api_secret - Cloudinary api secret
- upload_cloudinary_use_https - True to use https and False to use http for both uploading url and image locations in the email/web page
- email_enabled - Enable the creation and sending of an email
- email_individually - True to send out emails individually to each address in the email_to setting
- email_use_bcc - True to send emails on using bcc instead of to (email_to settings will send to them using bcc)
- email_to - Array of email addresses to send the email
- email_to_send_to_shared_users - True to get list of shared user emails (plex_username and plex_password must be valid for this to be used)
- email_unsubscribe - List of emails to exclude (emails in email_to will override emails in this)
- email_from - Email address to send the email from
- email_from_name - Friendly name of sender
- email_smtp_address - SMTP address of the email service
- email_smtp_port - SMTP port of the email service
- email_use_ssl - Use SSL - Note that the port must be an SSL port for this to work i.e. 465
- email_username - SMTP authentication username
- email_password - SMTP authentication password
- email_use_web_images - Use images from the web server instead of attaching them directly to the email
- email_skip_if_no_additions - True to skip sending emails if there are no new additions
- filter_include_plex_web_link - True to add hyperlinks to the images and titles to go to Plex Web for the specific title
- filter_show_movies - True to show recently added movies
- filter_movies_include - List of movies to include (Anything that does not match perfectly will not be included)
- filter_movies_excluse - List of movies to exclude (Only titles that match perfectly will be excluded)
- filter_show_shows - True to show recently added TV shows
- filter_shows_include - List of shows to include (Anything that does not match perfectly will not be included)
- filter_shows_excluse - List of shows to exclude (Only titles that match perfectly will be excluded)
- filter_show_seasons - True to show recently added TV seasons
- filter_seasons_include - List of seasons to include (Anything that does not match perfectly will not be included)
- filter_seasons_excluse - List of seasons to exclude (Only titles that match perfectly will be excluded)
- filter_show_episodes - True to show recently added TV episodes
- filter_episodes_include - List of episodes to include (Anything that does not match perfectly will not be included)
- filter_episodes_excluse - List of episodes to exclude (Only titles that match perfectly will be excluded)
- filter_show_artists - True to show recently added TV artists
- filter_artists_include - List of artists to include (Anything that does not match perfectly will not be included)
- filter_artists_excluse - List of artists to exclude (Only titles that match perfectly will be excluded)
- filter_show_albums - True to show recently added albums
- filter_albums_include - List of albums to include (Anything that does not match perfectly will not be included)
- filter_albums_excluse - List of albums to exclude (Only titles that match perfectly will be excluded)
- filter_show_email_images - True to show images in the email
- filter_episode_thumbnail_type - Type of image to show for new TV Episodes - "episode", "season" or "show" (Defaults to episode)
- filter_libraries - A list of library names to filter out - ['Home Videos', 'Private']
- filter_sections_movies - Movie specific filters
- filter_sections_TV - TV specific filters
- filter_sections_Music - Music specific filters
- Possible fields: tagline, summary, content_rating, duration, year, rating, studio, tags_genre, tags_director, tags_star
- order - The order this field should appear for each title
- show - Whether or not this field should be shown for each title
- preText - The text that should be added before this field for each title
- postText - The text that should be added after this field for each title
- include - A list of values that are each title must match at least one to be shown
- exclude - A list of values that if the title matches any of, will not be shown
- format - Date format to be applied (Only use this for air_date)
- msg_notice - Used for special notices to the users. This can also be done through the command line using the -n flag.
- msg_email_teaser - Teaser text on the email
- msg_web_title - Title of the webpage
- msg_email_subject Subject of email
- msg_header1 - First header text
- msg_header2 - Second header text
- msg_header3 - Third header text. Only used in the email
- msg_top_link - Header link text to go to top of the page
- msg_movies_link - Header link text to go to new movies
- msg_shows_link - Header link text to go to new shows
- msg_seasons_link - Header link text to go to new seasons
- msg_episodes_link - Header link text to go to new episodes
- msg_artists_link - Header link text to go to new artists
- msg_albums_link - Header link text to go to new albums
- msg_new_movies_header - Section header text for new movies
- msg_new_shows_header - Section header text for new shows
- msg_new_seasons_header - Section header text for new seasons
- msg_new_episodes_header - Section header text for new episodes
- msg_new_artists_header - Section header text for new artists
- msg_new_albums_header - Section header text for new albums
- msg_footer - Footer text at the bottom of the page
- msg_no_new_content - Message to be displayed if no new content has been added
movie_sort_1 - Highest priority sort
movie_sort_1_reverse - Reverse the default sort
movie_sort_2 - Second priority sort
movie_sort_2_reverse - Reverse the default sort
movie_sort_3 - Third Priority sort
movie_sort_3_reverse - Reverse the default sort
show_sort_1 - Highest priority sort
show_sort_1_reverse - Reverse the default sort
show_sort_2 - Second priority sort
show_sort_2_reverse - Reverse the default sort
show_sort_3 - Third Priority sort
show_sort_3_reverse - Reverse the default sort
season_sort_1 - Highest priority sort
season_sort_1_reverse - Reverse the default sort
season_sort_2 - Second priority sort
season_sort_2_reverse - Reverse the default sort
season_sort_3 - Third Priority sort
season_sort_3_reverse - Reverse the default sort
artist_sort_1 - Highest priority sort
artist_sort_1_reverse - Reverse the default sort
artist_sort_2 - Second priority sort
artist_sort_2_reverse - Reverse the default sort
artist_sort_3 - Third Priority sort
artist_sort_3_reverse - Reverse the default sort
album_sort_1 - Highest priority sort
album_sort_1_reverse - Reverse the default sort
album_sort_2 - Second priority sort
album_sort_2_reverse - Reverse the default sort
album_sort_3 - Third Priority sort
album_sort_3_reverse - Reverse the default sort
episode_sort_1 - Highest priority sort
episode_sort_1_reverse - Reverse the default sort
episode_sort_2 - Second priority sort
episode_sort_2_reverse - Reverse the default sort
episode_sort_3 - Third Priority sort
episode_sort_3_reverse - Reverse the default sort