Official Pyramid Technologies Thermal Printer ESC/POS Command Set Documentation
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pip install docutils
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
pip install sphinx==1.2.2
pip install sphinx-autobuild
(Can't use requirements.txt as that will break the build server for some reason)
All Hex command must be in upper ase
All ESC (ASCII) commands must be exactly the right case
Pay attention to tabs, spacing and newlines
Use \clearpage for forced page breaks on PDF render
.. raw:: latex
.. _tagname: .. index:: $BYTE1 $BYTE2 .. py:attribute:: Command Name - $BYTE1 $BYTE2
Short description
``Decimal DEC CODE ARGS``
- Caveats and exception
- Go in this section of the doc
- If you need subnotes, then indent 3x
- Like this!
:Range: ``None``
:Default: ``None``
:Related: :ref:`Description of what you're linking to <tagname>`
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 1
write('\x1b\x44\x00') # Cancel previous tab settings, restores defaults
write('\x1b\x44\x08\x14\x25\x00') # Set tab stops at 8, 20, and 32 characters
>>> Item Quantity Price