Pyvac's purpose is to allow Human Resources (HR) to handle an employee leave calendar and manage internal employee ldap.
It's a full web application written in Python, using Pyramid as HTTP framework and Celery as backend framework.
A leave request requires double validation (both by the user's manager and by the HR administrator) to be fully processed and validated. Either a manager or HR admin can deny a request but must provide a reason. After HR validation, the request will be automatically added to the caldav calendar.
Each step in the workflow generates a notification email to affected parties.
- log in/open the application
- select desired period on the calendar, by clicking on start and end date
- select type of leave: CP (Congés Payés, paid time off) or RTT (Réduction du Temps de Travail, unpaid time off)
- select AM/PM if needed (only enabled when requesting a single date)
- click submit
-> an email is sent to the user's manager to notify them of a new pending request
- log in/open the application
- go to request list page
- check for conflicting user requests due to overlapping time-off requests
- click on accept or deny button, provide a reason if denied
-> an email is sent to the user to notify them of their manager's validation -> an email is sent to the HR admin to notify them of a new pending request that has been validated by a manager
- log in/open the application
- go to request list page
- check for conflicting user requests due to overlapping time-off requests
- click on accept or deny button, provide a reason if denied
-> an email is sent to the user to notify them of HR's validation -> an email is sent to the manager to notify them of HR's validation -> a new entry is added to caldav for this leave request
cd <directory containing this file>
Install package in venv
$venv/bin/python develop
Initialize database
$venv/bin/pyvac_install development.ini
Optional: Import ldap users if using ldap
$venv/bin/pyvac_import development.ini
Start the website
$venv/bin/pserve development.ini
Start celery worker process
$venv/bin/pyvac_celeryd pyvac/conf/pyvac.yaml -l DEBUG -c 1 -Q pyvac_work
Start celery poller process
$venv/bin/pyvac_celeryd pyvac/conf/pyvac.yaml -l DEBUG -c 1 -B -Q pyvac_poll
- log in using admin account (default credentials: admin/changeme)
- go to profile page and change password and email
- create users/managers