A suite of scripts making electronic music on the iPad. The scripts are written for use in the Mozaic app by Bram Bos.
Beats is a script designed for quick and easy creation for drums and percussion sequences.
Notes is a script designed for quick and easy creation of melodies, basslines, arp sequences
Kords is a script desiged for quick and easy creation of chord progressions
Kntrl is a script designed to send common messages to all instances of the above scripts, in order to maintain sync and settings that are desirable accross all instances. This includes scene length, transpose and swing settings.
All scripts are united by a common sequencing setup that includes 8 scenes. Each scene can have 8 chords (Kords) or 8 patterns (Beats and Notes)
Scripts can be opened in the Mozaic app on your iPad and saved in the Mozaic Presets folder. Then in your DAW of choice insert instances of Mozaic where requried into a midi channel and open the desired preset.