Command Line Interface for connecting to a Spacebro server.
$ yarn global add clibro
$ npm global add clibro
You can pass a custom config file as second argument like this:
$ clibro my-config.json
The JSON settings looks like:
"service": {
"spacebro": {
"address": "",
"port": 3344,
"channel": "media-stream",
"client": "clibro"
Once clibro is installed, you can run it with:
$ clibro
You will then enter the clibro Command-line interface. You can run the following commands:
clibro$ help
Displays the list of commands.
To quit type: exit
then ⏎
To emit an event, use the emit
command with the name of the event and the data you want to pass:
clibro$ emit myEvent '{"msg":"moto"}'
You can pass additional options to the emit
--interval X eventName
: the event is emitted everyX
seconds,--stop eventName
: stops interval emitting for the eventeventName
So you can type: emit --interval 5 foobar "{'msg':'hello'}"
to emit the event foobar
every 5
seconds with parameters {'msg':'hello'}
You can then type emit --stop foobar
to stop emitting foobar
You can subscribe to an event. If you want clibro
to print a message in the terminal every time it receives an event named helloWorld
, you use the subscribe
clibro$ subscribe helloWorld
To remove the subscription, use the unsubscribe
clibro$ unsubscribe helloWorld
For this project we use:
- spacebro-client
- vorpal
If you need any help to use clibro, please open an issue. We will try to reply as fast we can.
If you love the project, contribute! If you have an idea, or something you want changed, open an issue and/or make a pull request.
When contributing, please make sur your code follows the standard-js format and passes every unit test by running the following scripts:
$ yarn lint
$ yarn test
Thank you!