Deploy tiny proxy server 3Proxy by Vladimir '3APA3A' Dubrovin using 3Proxy Ansible Role.
Name | Default value | Description | Required |
REMOTE_SERVER | None | Target server for deploy "3Proxy" (DNS or IPv4) (ip or name) | Yes |
REMOTE_SERVER_PORT | 22 | Target server ssh port | No |
REMOTE_USER | root | Target server root user | No |
REMOTE_PASSWORD | None | Target server root password | Yes |
CHECK_MODE | No | Run ansible playbook dry run (without changes on remote server) | No |
PROXY_VERSION | 0.9.4 | Distrib version of the "3Proxy" proxy server | No |
HTTP_PORT | 3128 | HTTP-proxy port of "3Proxy" | No |
SOCKS_PORT | 1080 | SOCKSv4/SOCKSv5 port of "3Proxy" | No |
SYSTEM_GROUP_ID | 200 | System group id on remotes | No |
SYSTEM_USER_ID | 201 | System user id on remotes | No |
DNS |, | Comma separated list of DNS used by "3Proxy". For example:, | No |
USE_UFW | Yes | Use the Uncomplicated Firewall (or you may use other firewall) | No |
BUILD_ESSENTIAL_VERSION | latest | Build Essential apt package version | No |
CLIENTS | client0:qwe1 | Comma separated list of clients "3Proxy" server. For example: user1:pass1,user2:pass2 | No |
BUILD_ID | No ID | Build identifier (technical parameter) | No |
NOTE: All required parameters has no default value and required to fill out |
- Print the running parameters
- Check if parameters REMOTE_SERVER and REMOTE_PASSWORD are not empty
- Generate Ansible vars file using build parameters: VERSION, HTTP_PORT, SOCKS_PORT, SYSTEM_GROUP_ID, SYSTEM_USER_ID, DNS, USE_UFW, CLIENTS
- Generate Ansible inventory file using build parameters: REMOTE_SERVER, REMOTE_USER, REMOTE_PASSWORD
- Generate Ansible playbook
- Run Ansible playbook
- Get target server ip
- Send request to via deployed HTTP-proxy
- Send request to via deployed SOCKSv5-proxy
- Ensure target server ip is obtained ip from requests above
Deploy OpenVPN server using OpenVPN Ansible role and generate clients configs. The clients configs will be attached to the Jenkins build page.
Name | Default value | Description | Required |
REMOTE_SERVER | None | Target server for deploy OpenVPN server (DNS or IPv4) | Yes |
REMOTE_SERVER_PORT | 22 | Target server ssh port | No |
REMOTE_USER | root | Target server root user | No |
REMOTE_PASSWORD | None | Target server root password | Yes |
CHECK_MODE | No | Run ansible playbook dry run (without changes on remote server) | No |
OPENVPN_PORT | 1194 | OpenVPN server port | No |
OPENVPN_PROTOCOL | udp | OpenVPN server protocol (UDP or TCP) | No |
DNS |, | Comma separated list of DNS used by OpenVPN server. For example:, | No |
CLIENTS | client | Comma separated list of OpenVPN servers clients names. For example: client1,client2 | No |
USE_UFW | Yes | Use the Uncomplicated Firewall (or you may use other firewall) | No |
RESET_EASY_RSA | No | Delete currently existing Easy RSA directory | No |
EASY_RSA_PATH | ovpn-easy-rsa | CA-storage location on CA server | No |
CLIENTS_PATH | ovpn-clients | Client's ovpn-configs location on localhost | No |
SERVER_CN | ovpn-server | Server common name | No |
OPENVPN_VERSION | latest | OpenVPN apt package version | No |
BUILD_ID | No ID | Build identifier (technical parameter) | No |
NOTE: All required parameters has no default value and required to fill out |
- Print the running parameters
- Check if parameters REMOTE_SERVER and REMOTE_PASSWORD are not empty
- Clone this repository
- Generate Ansible inventory file using build parameters: REMOTE_SERVER, REMOTE_USER, REMOTE_PASSWORD
- Generate Ansible playbook
- Run Ansible playbook
- Get target server ip
- Find random client config file
- Build docker image based on Alpine Linux with OpenVPN and cURL packages
- Run OpenVPN with random client config file in docker container
- Send request form docker container to and get ip
- Ensure target server ip is equal obtained ip from request above
- Archive the clients configs
Deploy WireGuard server using Wireguard Ansible role and generate clients configs. The clients configs will be attached to the Jenkins build page.
Name | Default value | Description | Required |
REMOTE_SERVER | None | Target server for deploy WireGuard server (DNS or IPv4) | Yes |
REMOTE_SERVER_PORT | 22 | Target server ssh port | No |
REMOTE_USER | root | Target server root user | No |
REMOTE_PASSWORD | None | Target server root password | Yes |
CHECK_MODE | No | Run ansible playbook dry run (without changes on remote server) | No |
WIREGUARD_PORT | 51820 | WireGuard server port | No |
NETWORK_INTERFACE | wg0 | WireGuard network interface | No |
NETWORK_ADDRESS | | WireGuard subnet address | No |
DNS |, | Comma separated list of DNS used by OpenVPN server. For example:, | No |
CLIENTS | client | Comma separated list of WireGuard servers clients names. For example: client1,client2 | No |
RESET_WIREGUARD | No | Reset server and clients configuration (remove wg storage) | No |
RESTART_METHOD | restart | Method of apply server changes (restart or reload) | No |
WIREGUARD_VERSION | latest | Wireguard apt package version | No |
STORAGE_PATH | wg-storage | Path to directory containing server and clients configs (on storage server and localhost) | No |
USE_UFW | Yes | Use the Uncomplicated Firewall (or you may use other firewall) | No |
BUILD_ID | No ID | Build identifier (technical parameter) | No |
NOTE: All required parameters has no default value and required to fill out |
- Print the running parameters
- Check if parameters REMOTE_SERVER and REMOTE_PASSWORD are not empty
- Clone this repository
- Generate Ansible inventory file using build parameters: REMOTE_SERVER, REMOTE_USER, REMOTE_PASSWORD
- Generate Ansible playbook
- Run Ansible playbook
- Get target server ip
- Find random client config file
- Build docker image based on Alpine Linux with WireGuard and cURL packages
- Run Wireguard with random client config file in docker container (in privileged mode)
- Send request form docker container to and get ip
- Ensure target server ip is equal obtained ip from request above
- Archive the clients configs