- CoffeeScript is a programming language that has "nice" (Ruby like) syntax that compiles into JavaScript.
- CoffeeScript is easier to write and easier to read than JavaScript.
- Works well with AngularJS. Used together, front end programming feel like Ruby on Rails.
- Very well documented.
- Documentation and CoffeeScript to JavaScript converter:
- JavaScript to CoffeeScript converter:
- The Little Book on Coffee
- WikiPedia - included in rails since 3.1
By the end of this lesson you should be able to:
- write any JavaScript function as a CoffeeScript function
- write a list comprehension (loop) in CoffeeScript utilizing conditional filters
- create an Object in Coffeescript with attributes and behaviors
# Everyone should have node and npm installed. npm (node package manager) comes with node.
# test for node:
$ node -v
# test for npm:
$ npm -v
# get node and npm from: http://nodejs.org
# If node and npm are installed, install CoffeeScript
$ sudo npm install -g coffee-script
# test installation
$ coffee -v
=> CoffeeScript version 1.7.1
- No var keyword.
- No semicolons.
- Indentation is super important
- indent two spaces to start a new block
- improper indentation is the source of lots of problems
- Parenthesis are not required:
- CoffeeScript convention is to use parenthesis on everything except the outermost one
- Parenthesis are required to run a function: function_name( )
- CoffeeScript supports string interpolation
- Comments use hashtag #. CoffeeScript comments do not compile into the .js file.
- @ === this, example: @name === this.name
- CoffeeScript implicitly returns the last statement, JavaScript implicitly returns undefined
- CoffeeScript was created by Jeremy Ashkenas, who also created Backbone.js and Underscore.js.
# Configure directory to automatically compile your CoffeeScript into JavaScript
# Rails does it automatically!
$ compiles name.coffee to name.js everytime name.coffee is changed
$ coffee -bcw name.coffee
Functions are declared with the "Skinny Arrow": ->
- "->" converts to "function(){ }"
- functions use "Fat Arrow" => to bind the current value of "this"
All CoffeeScript functions have a return value
- like Ruby there is an implicit return of the last line in your function
CoffeeScript functions are all named functions
CoffeeScript supports default settings for parameters
# JavaScript: my_function = function(parameter) { console.log("This is my parameter: " + parameter) } # CoffeeScript: my_function = (parameter) -> console.log "This is my parameter: #{parameter}" # string interpolation!
can be written vertically if you really hate commas
vertical arrays are easier to review and edit
months = ["January", "February", "March"] months = [ "January" "February" "March" ]
very much like ruby ranges
# inclusive range assignment range = [1..6] => [1,2,3,4,5,6] # non-inclusive range assignment range = [1...6] => [1,2,3,4,5] # can get subsets of an array range[1..3] => [2,3,4] range[0..2] => [1,2,3]
# two line conditional:
if x < 5
alert 'x is less than 5'
# One line conditional:
alert 'x is less than 5' if x < 5
# if then format
if x < 5 then alert 'x is less than 5'
if x < 5
alert 'x is less than 5'
alert 'x is greater than or equal to 5'
if x < 5 alert 'x is less than 5' else alert 'x is greater than or equal to 5'
Operation | JavaScript | CoffeeScript |
Equality | === | ==, is |
Inequality | !== | !=, isnt |
Logical Negative | ! | not |
Logical AND | && | and |
Logical OR | || | or |
Logical True | true | true, yes, on |
Logical False | false | false, no, off |
if ( x < length && length < y ) { alert 'in between' }
if x < length < y
alert 'in between'
months.forEach (month,index) ->
console.log "Month: #{month}"
for month in months
console.log "Month: #{month}"
console.log "Month: #{month}" for month in months
# Filtering with "when"
console.log "Month: #{month}" for month in months when month isnt "February"
- Write a function that takes an array of numbers and prints to the console numbers divisible by 7
- Use a range to create an array of numbers from 1 to 100
- Loop through the array with a list comprehension use a filter to select the numbers divisible by 7
- write the CoffeeScript. compile it. copy the compiled JavaScript into the console to run it.
my_pet =
name: "Fluffy"
species: "Cat"
age: 3
# name needs the @ symbol: @name === this.name
voice: -> alert "Meow, my name is #{@name}"
console.log my_pet.name
console.log my_pet.species
tests for existence of a variable or object
just at question mark to the end of a variable or object
don't overuse the existence operator
# Initialize variable to zero if it does not exist. if not variable? variable = 0 varible = 0 if not variable? variable = 0 unless variable? variable ?= 0 # combined existance test, conditional assignment
- Redo Haters Lab - rewrite the JS in CS.
- https://gist.github.com/DelmerGA/7a90af280d0a393f668d
- If you don't want to use your previous lab, Rafi's Hater's Lab solution is in the repo: "index.html" and "lab.js".
- Create a haters.coffee file that compiles into haters.js.
- include the compiled file, haters.js, in your html page.
- Redo last nights AngularJS lab in CoffeeScript
##@@@@@@@ Other Stuff @@@@@@@
very much like Ruby shorthand
plate_umpire_call = switch number_outs when 0 then "No outs, play ball." when 1 then "One out, play ball." when 2 then "Two outs, play ball." else "The side is retired!"