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Command access

Sean Lewis edited this page Feb 27, 2018 · 9 revisions

Launching practicemode

You may want anyone to be able to use the .setup menu (and sm_prac command). By default this requires the mapchange ("g") flag. You can change this by adding an admin command override to the "sm_prac" command.

For example:

You should edit addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg to look something like:

	"sm_prac"	""

Changing map

By default .map require admins mapchange access (the g flag).

You can edit that to allow anyone to use it:

Edit addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg to look something like:

	"sm_practicemap"	""

This will make it so that anyone trying to use the above commands (.nades, etc.) will need the "b" admin flag. Of course, you will still need to give those admin flags.

Adding admins in sourcemod

The easiest way to do that, is to edit addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini to look something like:

"STEAM_0:1:16"		"g"	
"STEAM_0:1:17"		"g"	
"STEAM_0:1:18"		"g"	
"STEAM_0:1:19"		"g"	
"STEAM_0:1:20"		"g"		

Obviously, replace the steamids with the correct ones. You can use any flag (or multiple) flags you want instead of the mapchange"g" flag. Read more about the flags at

If you're the server owner you probably want just the "z" flag for root access.