You know the basics of programming. You're proficient in variables, functions, control flow, basic defined data structures, and file IO. With these concepts, you can train a computer to complete nearly any task you can imagine. So what's next?
Writing large programs! You will learn how to write and organize large pieces of software focusing on Unit Testing or Test Driven Development, Object-Oriented Concept and Data Structures & Algorithms
This course will cover abstract data types and basics of algorithms, Linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, heaps, and graphs. Students will also be taught how to derive big-Oh analysis of basic algorithms. All assignments will be in Java as way to introduce you to a new language. Programming languages are just tools to translate our ideas in practice, so students are encourage to use any language of choice to implement their ideas.
- Introduction, Java Basics(Knowing Java Syntax) and Unit Testing
- OOP Concepts in Java
- Linked lists
- Reversing a linked list, introducing stacks and checking parentheses
- Using stacks for recursion, printing all substrings
- Introduction to asymptotic analysis and big-Oh notation
- Analysis of selection and insertion sort running times in asymptotic notation
- Analysis of binary search, starting discussion of binary heaps
- Detailed analysis of binary heaps [http://btv.melezinek.cz/binary-heap.html]
- Binary Search Trees [http://btv.melezinek.cz/binary-search-tree.html]
- Tree traversals, starting self-balancing trees and rotations
- AVL trees [https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/AVLtree.html]
- Range searching on BST, hash tables
- Algorithms questions: Part I
- Algorithms questions: Part II
- Introduction to graphs, starting BFS [https://algo.uni-trier.de/demos/]
- BFS on graphs, quick intro to Single Source Shortest Paths
- Single Source Shortest Paths: Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra's algorithms
- DFS and topological sorting of DAGs
- Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein
- Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein
- Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java by Mark A. Weiss
- Data Structures and the Java Collections Frameworks by William J. Collin
- Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version by Y. Daniel Liang