Tool for manipulating mpdata files for CoD4
CoD4 stores multiplayer stats in an encrypted file. This tool is able to encrypt and decrypt the stats file, and is also able to edit stats.
- convert vanilla
format to CoD4Xice0
format and vice-versa (basically: encryption and decryption) - simple stats manipulation
- Decryption:
$ iwmtool --mode=decrypt --input=mpdata --output=mpdata_decrypted --key=YOUR_CD_KEY
- Encryption:
$ iwmtool --mode=encrypt --input=mpdata --output=mpdata_encrypted --key=YOUR_CD_KEY
- Edit stats: (set total kills to 123)
$ iwmtool --mode=stats --input=mpdata --output=mpdata_edited --index=2303 --set=123
Note: Most stats indices can be found in string tables and game scripts extracted from *_mp.ff
Note: You can omit CD-key if you run Windows and CoD4 is properly installed on your PC or if you edit a decrypted mpdata file.