RAML support is experimental and prone to changes in the future. Also it requires certain conditions on the RAML contract to make the conversion work properly |
Spring Cloud Contract comes with an experimental out of the box support for RAML representation of contracts. In other words instead of using the Groovy DSL you can use Pact files. In this section we will present how to add such a support for your project.
The biggest challenge in making RAML become an input for Spring Cloud Contract is that RAML is an extended representation of a schema. It allows you to group a few request examples together with some response examples. Spring Cloud Contract doesn’t want to bind to a schema thus it focuses on presenting a pair of request response examples. That’s why not every RAML file is possible to be converted into a Spring Cloud Contract example. Of course with time and feedback from the users we will try to minimize the number of constraints.
For the RAML contract be considered proper as input for Spring Cloud Contract it has to pass the following tests:
It has to use RAML version 1.0
The baseUri if present has to contain only the host and no additional path (e.g. http://localhost:8081 is ok, whereas http://localhost:8081/api/2.5 is not)
Every request that has a body has to have an example of a body
Every request that has headers has to have default values for these headers
Every request that has query parameters has to have default values for these parameters
Every response that has a body has to have an example of a body
Every response that has headers has to have default values for these headers
If you have multiple examples of of bodies only the first one will be taken into consideration. The best solution is to have a single pair of request / response in a single RAML file.
We will be working on the following example of a RAML contract. We’ve placed this file under
the src/test/resources/contracts
#%RAML 1.0
title: MUA Flights API
baseUri: http://localhost:8081/
description: a retrieve Mallory request a user with username 'username' and password 'password' exists
default: application/json
default: ron
default: good
example: |
{"id": "123", "method": "create"}
default: application/json
example: |
"email": "rddtGwwWMEhnkAPEmsyE",
"id": "eb0f8c17-c06a-479e-9204-14f7c95b63a6",
"userName": "AJQrokEGPAVdOHprQpKP"
On the producer side you have add to your project dependencies a couple of dependencies. The Spring Cloud Contract RAML support and RAML related dependencies to your Spring Cloud Contract Maven plugin / Gradle buildscript classpath:
classpath "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-contract-raml:${scContractRamlVersion}"
classpath 'org.raml:raml-parser-2:1.0.6'
classpath 'org.raml:com.mulesoft.jaxrs.raml.generator:1.3.4'
On the producer side you need to add the following dependencies to your test compile classpath.
testCompile "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-contract-raml:${scContractRamlVersion}"
testCompile 'org.raml:raml-parser-2:1.0.6'
testCompile 'org.raml:com.mulesoft.jaxrs.raml.generator:1.3.4'