A 2D Pathfinder using the A* algorithm along with Map visualization.
The algorithm finds the path between the Blue node to the Red node. The Black nodes are walls with the White nodes being walkable.
The path is generated and shown as Green Nodes in:-
- The Path taken changes if target is moved.
- Another case with the target far away from the origin
The user can tweak Grid Coloring options for better visualisation of the Pathfinding algo. For a given map such as:-
- The user can choose to toggle all the nodes which were called to find the path.
- The user can also toggle all the neighbour nodes of these nodes.
The pathfinding algo can also be tweaked by providing various constraints. For the previous map:-
- The user can ban Diagonal movement on the Grid leading to a different path
- Add Other Algos such as:-
- Dijkstra
- Add Path weights
- Elevated Points
- 3D Map