Command line tool to calculate the hash of the music data in mp3 files (without id3v1 & id3v2 metadata). Useful to find dupes with e.g. different genre names.
gcc -o mp3hash mp3hash.c md5/md5.c
The md5 implementation was written by L Peter Deutsch and published under zlib/libpng License. It's hosted on sourceforge:
To calculate the hash for a single file:
mp3hash <filename>
You can also pass one or more filenames via stdin:
ls *.mp3 | mp3hash @
Output will be md5 hash, length of the id3v2 data and the filename.
sptim$ ls -l *.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sptim wheel 44180672 May 14 17:02 52 Folge 52_ Vorschau 2011.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 sptim wheel 44094414 May 14 17:03 Folge 52_ Vorschau 2011.mp3
Obviously these files are different. So let's check with mp3hash:
sptim$ ls *.mp3 | mp3hash @
1b6a96bbf3070fd2770e622245037386 000086258 52 Folge 52_ Vorschau 2011.mp3
1b6a96bbf3070fd2770e622245037386 000000000 Folge 52_ Vorschau 2011.mp3
As you can see their hashes match, but the second file has no id3v2 data.