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HTTP Router

Simple general purpose HTTP path based request router. Requires a compiler with C++20 support. No assumption is made on the type of framework being used. We have used it mainly with nghttp2.

  • Supports static and parametrised URI paths.
  • Parameters (slugs) are represented using curly brace enclosed name {param}.
    • Curly brace form was chosen in favour of :param for sorting purpose.
    • Sorting with { implies use of non-ascii characters in path will have inconsistent behaviour.
  • Wildcard path pattern is supported.
    • Only a single wildcard (*) as the last component of the URI path is supported.
    • Parameters (slugs) are supported in the same URI path (/device/sensor/id/{id}/*).
    • Internally the wildcard character * is replaced by ~ for sorting purpose.
    • As a consequence of sorting, it is possible to configure more specific URI wildcard paths in combination with wildcard paths at the base level. Example: /device/sensor/* and /device/sensor/id/*.
  • Templated on the Response type and an input Request. Optionally specify the type of Map container to use to hold the parsed path parameters. Defaults to boost::container::flat_map if boost is found, or to std::map. The type specified must be interface compatible with std::map. The key and value must be either std::string_view or std::string.
  • Function based routing. Successful matches are routed to the specified handler callback function.
    • Parameters are returned as a map. The type of map is determined via the optional third template parameter.
    • Callback function has signature Response( Request, MapType<String, String>&& ) where MapType is either boost::container::flat_map or std::map (if using defaults, or the container you specify) and String is std::string_view (if using defaults) or std::string if you specify. See string.cpp test for sample of specifying your preferred container and std::string as the type in the container.
    • The MapType will hold the parsed parameter->value pairs.
    • The path part matching the wildcard (for wildcard paths) is added to the MapType as _wildcard_ key. Keep this in mind when naming path parameters for wildcard paths.


No install is necessary. Copy the router.h, split.h, and concat.h files into your project and use.

The headers may be installed into a standard location using cmake.

git clone
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/spt -S . -B build
sudo cmake --install build


The HttpRouter<Request, Response, Map> class exposes two primary methods - add and route - that are used to set up and perform routing:

  • CTOR - Create an instance with the optional handlers to handle standard scenarios such as Not Found (404), Method Not Allowed (405), and Internal Server Error (500).
    • Use the Builder to specify the desired error handlers and initialise the router in a more convenient manner.
  • add - Use to add paths or parametrised paths to the router.
    • This is thread safe. Configuring routing should generally not need thread safety, but just in case route additions are set up in parallel in a multi-threaded environment, a std::mutex is used to ensure thread safety.
      • The general expectation (standard pattern when configuring routes) is that all the routes are configured before the server starts routing requests.
      • Performing routing while additional routes are being added to the router could lead to undefined behaviour.
    • Duplicate routes will throw a spt::http::router::DuplicateRouteError exception.
    • Routes with invalid parameter will throw a spt::http::router::InvalidParameterError exception.
      • This is thrown if a parameter uses the :<parameter> form.
      • This is thrown if a parameter does not end with the } character.
  • route - When a client request is received, delegate to the router to handle the request.
    • If a notFound handler was specified when creating the router (first optional constructor parameter), and the input request path was not found, the handler will be invoked.
    • If a methodNotFound handler was specified when creating the router (second optional constructor parameter), and the input request method was not configured for the specified path, the handler will be invoked.
    • If a errorHandler handler was specified when creating the router (third optional constructor parameter), and an exception was thrown by the configured handler function for the method:path, the handler will be invoked.
  • If Boost has been found a few additional utility methods are exposed.
    • json - Output the configured routes and some additional metadata as a JSON structure. See the sample output below from the device test.
    • str - Output the configured routes and some additional metadata as a string. This is just the JSON representation serialised.
    • operator<< - Appends the string representation to the output stream.
  • yaml - Output the configured routes in YAML format which can be embedded or cross-verified against the API OpenAPI Specifications file. If using this feature, please try to specify the optional ref parameter to the add method. For example see the output below from the device test.
Sample JSON Output
  "paths": [
      "path": "/device/sensor/",
      "methods": ["POST", "GET"]
      "path": "/device/sensor/count/references/{id}",
      "methods": ["GET"]
      "path": "/device/sensor/customer/code/{code}",
      "methods": ["GET"]
      "path": "/device/sensor/facility/id/{id}",
      "methods": ["GET"]
      "path": "/device/sensor/history/document/{id}",
      "methods": ["GET"]
      "path": "/device/sensor/history/summary/{id}",
      "methods": ["GET"]
      "path": "/device/sensor/id/{id}",
      "methods": ["PUT", "GET", "DELETE"]
      "path": "/device/sensor/identifier/{identifier}",
      "methods": ["GET"]
      "path": "/device/sensor/{property}/between/{start}/{end}",
      "methods": ["GET"]
  "total": 9,
  "static": 1,
  "dynamic": 8
Sample YAML Output
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/root"
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/refcount"
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/customer"
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/facility"
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/history/document"
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/history/summary"
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/id"
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/identifier"
    $ref: "./paths/sensor.yaml#/between"

The following shows sample use of the router. See basic test and other unit tests for more samples.

Sample code
#include <router/router.h>
// If your project uses boost and has not already included boost::json sources
#include <boost/json/src.hpp>

using namespace std::string_literals;
using namespace std::string_view_literals;

int main()
  struct Request
    // pass whatever you need as user data
  } request;
  const auto method = "GET"sv;
  spt::http::router::HttpRouter<const Request&, bool> r;
  r.add( "POST"sv, "/device/sensor/"sv, []( const Request&, spt::http::router::HttpRouter<const Request&, bool>::MapType args )
      assert( args.empty() );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.empty() );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( "PUT"sv, "/device/sensor/id/{id}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 1 );
      assert( args.contains( "id"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/id/{id}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 1 );
      assert( args.contains( "id"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/identifier/{identifier}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 1 );
      assert( args.contains( "identifier"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/customer/code/{code}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 1 );
      assert( args.contains( "code"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/facility/id/{id}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 1 );
      assert( args.contains( "id"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/count/references/{id}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 1 );
      assert( args.contains( "id"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/history/summary/{id}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 1 );
      assert( args.contains( "id"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/history/document/{id}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 1 );
      assert( args.contains( "id"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
    r.add( method, "/device/sensor/{property}/between/{start}/{end}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args )
      assert( args.size() == 3 );
      assert( args.contains( "property"sv ) );
      assert( args.contains( "start"sv ) );
      assert( args.contains( "end"sv ) );
      return true;
    } );
  std::vector<std::string> urls = 
        "/device/sensor/id/6230f3069e7c9be9ff4b78a1"s, // id=6230f3069e7c9be9ff4b78a1
        "/device/sensor/identifier/Integration Test Identifier"s, // identifier=Integration Test Identifier
        "/device/sensor/customer/code/int-test"s, // code=int-test
        "/device/sensor/history/summary/6230f3069e7c9be9ff4b78a1"s, // id=6230f3069e7c9be9ff4b78a1
        "/device/sensor/history/document/6230f3069e7c9be9ff4b78a1"s, // id=6230f3069e7c9be9ff4b78a1
        "/device/sensor/count/references/6230f3069e7c9be9ff4b78a1"s, // id=6230f3069e7c9be9ff4b78a1
        "/device/sensor/created/between/2022-03-14T20:11:50.620Z/2022-03-16T20:11:50.620Z"s, // property=created, start=2022-03-14T20:11:50.620Z, end=2022-03-16T20:11:50.620Z
  for ( auto&& url : urls )
    auto resp = r.route( "GET"sv, url, request );
    assert( resp );
    assert( *resp );
  auto resp = r.route( "PUT"sv, "/device/sensor/"sv );
  assert( resp );
  assert( !*resp ); // PUT not configured
  resp = r.route( "POST"sv, "/device/sensor/history/document/{id}"sv );
  assert( resp );
  assert( !*resp ); // POST not configured
    r.add( "PUT"sv, "/device/sensor/id/{id}"sv, []( const Request&, auto args ) { return true; } );
  catch ( const spt::http::router::DuplicateRouteError& e )
    // Will be caught as we registered the same route earlier
    std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
Use with nghttp2
#include <nghttp2/asio_http2_server.h>
#include <log/NanoLog.h>
#include <router/router.h>

int main()
  struct Request
    explicit Request( const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::request& req ) :
      header{ req.header() }, method{ req.method() },
      path{ req.uri().path }, query{ req.uri().raw_query } {}
    nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map header;
    std::string method;
    std::string path;
    std::string query;
    std::shared_ptr<std::string> body{ nullptr };
  struct Response
    nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map headers;
    std::string body{ "{}" };
    uint16_t status{ 200 };
    bool compressed{ false };
  auto const error404 = []( const Request&, spt::http::router::HttpRouter<const Request&, Response>::MapType ) -> Response
    auto json = R"({"code": 404, "cause": "Not Found"})"s;
    auto headers = nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map{
      { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", { "*", false} },
      { "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", { "DELETE,GET,OPTIONS,POST,PUT", false } },
      { "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", { "*, authorization", false } },
      { "content-type", { "application/json; charset=utf-8", false } },
      { "content-length", { std::to_string( json.size() ), false } }
    return { std::move( headers ), std::move( json ), 404, false }
  auto const error405 - []( const Request&, spt::http::router::HttpRouter<const Request&, Response>::MapType ) -> Response
    auto json = R"({"code": 405, "cause": "Method Not Allowed"})"s;
    auto headers = nghttp2::asio_http2::header_map{
      { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", { "*", false} },
      { "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", { "DELETE,GET,OPTIONS,POST,PUT", false } },
      { "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", { "*, authorization", false } },
      { "content-type", { "application/json; charset=utf-8", false } },
      { "content-length", { std::to_string( json.size() ), false } }
    return { std::move( headers ), std::move( json ), 405, false }
  auto router = spt::http::router::HttpRouter<const Request&, Response>::Builder{}.
    withNotFound( error404 ).withMethodNotAllowed( error405 ).build();
  // set up router as in above sample
  nghttp2::asio_http2::server::http2 server;
  server.num_threads( 8 );
  server.handle( "/", [&router](const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::request& req,
        const nghttp2::asio_http2::server::response& res)
    auto request = Request{ req };
    auto response = router.route( request.method, request.path, request );
    assert( response );
    res.write_head( response->status, response->headers );
    res.end( std::move( response->body ) );
  boost::system::error_code ec;
  if ( server.listen_and_serve( ec, "", port, true ) )
    LOG_CRIT << "error: " << ec.message();
    return 1;

The route method returns a std::optional<Response>. If no configured path matches, returns std::nullopt (or the response from the not found handler if specified at construction time). Otherwise, returns the response from the callback function.

Use With Boost

If you project uses boost, set the HAS_BOOST preprocessor define to benefit from the additional features and performance (when using the default Map template parameter). If using cmake add a line similar to the following to your CMakeLists.txt.


This is needed only if your compiler does not support the __has_include macro.


A docker image with the header files is available at Docker hub. A very simple image with the headers installed under /opt/spt/include. Use as a base image when building your target image.


Router is not optimised for high performance. Configured paths are stored in a sorted std::vector, and searched for using binary search.


Benchmark numbers from benchmark.cpp are in the following sections. These were by computing the average time to route each URI path 10,000,000 times. The Linux numbers were from a VM running on Parallels on a Mac Book Pro 2019 model (limited to 6 of 16 available hardware threads or 3 of 8 CPU cores), bare metal numbers may be higher. Similarly, the Windows numbers where from a VM running on Parallels.

Mac OS X

Mac OS X Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.0.21.2)

With std::map

[3.38868 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lollipop
[4.25894 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/gum
[3.47947 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/seg_råtta
[4.30478 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lakrits
[21.0084 million req/sec] for URL: /service/shutdown
[31.4465 million req/sec] for URL: /
[5.40249 million req/sec] for URL: /some_file.html
[5.22193 million req/sec] for URL: /another_file.jpeg
Checksum: 80000000

With boost::container::flat_map

[3.99361 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lollipop
[5.29942 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/gum
[4.04694 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/seg_råtta
[5.21648 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lakrits
[28.9017 million req/sec] for URL: /service/shutdown
[45.6621 million req/sec] for URL: /
[6.10128 million req/sec] for URL: /some_file.html
[5.9312 million req/sec] for URL: /another_file.jpeg
Checksum: 80000000


Linux GCC 11.2

With std::map

[5.98802 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lollipop
[6.44745 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/gum
[6.2461 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/seg_råtta
[6.35324 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lakrits
[21.2314 million req/sec] for URL: /service/shutdown
[28.5714 million req/sec] for URL: /
[8.16993 million req/sec] for URL: /some_file.html
[6.93963 million req/sec] for URL: /another_file.jpeg
Checksum: 80000000

With boost::container::flat_map

[8.59845 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lollipop
[8.78735 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/gum
[8.05153 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/seg_råtta
[8.48896 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lakrits
[23.9808 million req/sec] for URL: /service/shutdown
[32.3625 million req/sec] for URL: /
[11.8765 million req/sec] for URL: /some_file.html
[9.37207 million req/sec] for URL: /another_file.jpeg
Checksum: 80000000

Windows 10

Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022

With std::map

[2.89771 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lollipop
[2.89603 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/gum
[2.88934 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/seg_råtta
[2.90444 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lakrits
[6.32511 million req/sec] for URL: /service/shutdown
[9.40734 million req/sec] for URL: /
[3.8835 million req/sec] for URL: /some_file.html
[3.13676 million req/sec] for URL: /another_file.jpeg
Checksum: 80000000

With boost::container::flat_map

[3.44947 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lollipop
[3.50631 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/gum
[3.45901 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/seg_råtta
[3.47705 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lakrits
[9.31099 million req/sec] for URL: /service/shutdown
[20.4082 million req/sec] for URL: /
[4.84731 million req/sec] for URL: /some_file.html
[3.74352 million req/sec] for URL: /another_file.jpeg
Checksum: 80000000

Realistic Scenario

A more realistic scenario was mocked up in performance.cpp and tested via both a single thread and multiple threads. Router is set up with a couple of hundred routes to simulate a real API, and a few million requests sent against the router to measure the average performance. As shown by the numbers below, a total of 260 million requests are used to generate the average performance statistics.

The results of the test are shown below:

Mac OS X

Mac OS X Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.0.21.2)

With std::map

Single thread - [2.42359 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 107 seconds.

10 threads - [13.4848 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 19 seconds.

With boost::container::flat_map

Single thread - [2.812 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 92 seconds.

10 threads - [14.638 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 17 seconds.


Linux GCC 11.2

With std::map

Single thread - [4.06155 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 64 seconds.

10 threads - [18.4738 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 14 seconds.

With boost::container::flat_map

Single thread - [4.84677 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 53 seconds.

10 threads - [22.0115 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 11 seconds.

Windows 10

Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022

With std::map

Single thread - [2.02653 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 128 seconds.

10 threads - [9.21953 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 28 seconds.

With boost::container::flat_map

Single thread - [2.61204 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 99 seconds.

10 threads - [12.488 million req/sec]
Total urls routed: 260000000 in 20 seconds.

Fast Router

The fast router is a wrapper around HttpRouter. The original implementation has been slightly modified and updated. There are some cases where it does not work exactly as the simple router, including incorrect handling in some cases (search for comment with Issue in test suite), but when those issues are not relevant (or do not kick in for your routes), use it for an optimal router.

Path Parameters

Path parameters are handled differently. Use the :<param name> pattern to specify parameters. The handler callback function also returns a std::vector of parameter values instead of std::map or boost::container::flat_map.


Benchmark numbers from benchmarkfast.cpp are below:

Mac OS X Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.0.21.2)
[7.8125 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lollipop
[15.4083 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/gum
[8.19001 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/seg_råtta
[8.16993 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lakrits
[15.5763 million req/sec] for URL: /service/shutdown
[21.4133 million req/sec] for URL: /
[20.9205 million req/sec] for URL: /some_file.html
[21.8341 million req/sec] for URL: /another_file.jpeg
Linux GCC 11.2
[16.2338 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lollipop
[15.3139 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/gum
[17.3611 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/seg_råtta
[17.2414 million req/sec] for URL: /service/candy/lakrits
[17.452 million req/sec] for URL: /service/shutdown
[33.557 million req/sec] for URL: /
[21.9298 million req/sec] for URL: /some_file.html
[22.2717 million req/sec] for URL: /another_file.jpe


Simple HTTP request routing library (C++20).







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