Sqids (pronounced "squids") is a small library that lets you generate unique IDs from numbers. It is good for link shortening, fast & URL-safe ID generation and decoding back into numbers for quicker database lookups.
- Encode multiple numbers - generate short IDs from one or several non-negative numbers
- Quick decoding - easily decode IDs back into numbers
- Unique IDs - generate unique IDs by shuffling the alphabet once
- ID padding - provide minimum length to make IDs more uniform
- URL safe - auto-generated IDs do not contain common profanity
- Randomized output - Sequential input provides nonconsecutive IDs
- Many implementations - Support for 40+ programming languages
Good for:
- Generating IDs for public URLs (eg: link shortening)
- Generating IDs for internal systems (eg: event tracking)
- Decoding for quicker database lookups (eg: by primary keys)
Not good for:
- Sensitive data (this is not an encryption library)
- User IDs (can be decoded revealing user count)
Install with
elm install sqids/sqids-elm
Simple encode & decode:
import Sqids
Sqids.encode [ 1, 2, 3 ]
--> (Ok "86Rf07")
Sqids.decode "86Rf07"
--> (Ok [ 1, 2, 3 ])
If IDs are too short, you can pad them to a certain length:
import Sqids
import Sqids.Context
context : Sqids.Context.Context
context =
{ alphabet = Sqids.Context.defaultAlphabet
, minLength = 10
, blockList = Sqids.Context.defaultBlockList
Ok ok ->
Err err ->
Debug.todo <| Debug.toString err
Sqids.encodeWith context [ 1, 2, 3 ]
--> (Ok "86Rf07xd4z")
Sqids.decodeWith context "86Rf07xd4z"
--> (Ok [ 1, 2, 3 ])
Create unique IDs by shuffling the alphabet:
import Sqids
import Sqids.Context
context : Sqids.Context.Context
context =
|> Sqids.Context.withAlphabet "k3G7QAe51FCsPW92uEOyq4Bg6Sp8YzVTmnU0liwDdHXLajZrfxNhobJIRcMvKt"
|> Sqids.Context.build
Ok ok ->
Err err ->
Debug.todo <| Debug.toString err
Sqids.encodeWith context [ 1, 2, 3 ]
--> (Ok "XRKUdQ")
Sqids.decodeWith context "XRKUdQ"
--> (Ok [ 1, 2, 3 ])
You need the Elm compiler and an elm test runner (e.g. elm-test or elm-test-rs).
An easy way to get started is with node.js and elm-tooling.
# Install dependencies
npm install
npx elm-tooling install
# Ensure that no unused code exists or that the documentation comments are correct
npx elm-review --fix
# Run tests in watch mode
npx elm-test-rs --watch
Note: Running elm-review also creates the test file tests/DocumentationCodeSnippetTest.elm
to check the code snippets in the README.md file and also the documentation comments in source code.
@todo add the elm-tooling-action GitHub action.