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Brian Donovan edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 5 revisions

WikiCustom Helpers

Helpers are named shortcuts to common validations or conditions.

Basic Helpers

Let's say you want a validation to check that a value is a URL:

LGTM.helpers.register('url', function(message) {
  this.using(function(value) {
    return /^https?:/.test(value);
  }, message);

Now you can use your custom helper as a validation when building a validator:

    .url("Please enter a valid URL.")

Obviously this validator is a bit naïve, but you can customize it to your needs.

Configurable Helpers

You can take whatever arguments you want in your helper and use them in the helper function. For example:

LGTM.helpers.register('between', function(min, max, message) {
  this.using(function(value) {
    return min <= value && value <= max;
  }, message);

    .between(1, 5, "Please rate between 1-5.")

Overriding Built-in Helpers

If one of the built-in helpers isn't to your liking you can simply override it:

LGTM.validations.register('email', function(message) {
  this.using(myAwesomeEmailChecker, message);

How it Works

The basic validation function all validation helpers use is using(). You use using() yourself when building your validators for anything a built-in validation cannot express, which is probably often. You can make validations conditional by preceding the call to using() with a call to when(). Doing so will act as a condition for all subsequent validations for the same attribute. Let's break down one of the examples from the README:

var validator =
    .validates('firstName')                               // set current attribute = firstName
      .required("You must enter a first name.")           // add validation for firstName
    .validates('lastName')                                // set current attribute = lastName
      .when(=> lastNameRequired)                          // conditionally run subsequent validations
        .required("You must enter a last name.")          // add (conditional) validation for lastName
    .validates('age')                                     // set current attribute = age
      .optional()                                         // conditionally run subsequent validations
        .using((age) => age > 18, "You must be over 18.") // add (conditional) validation for age
    .build();                                             // returns an object with validate() method