This is a small set of programs to improve interacting with ESP8266-based devices running the NodeMCU firmware.
It currently provides
- Bootstrapping
- Device discovery
- On-network file uploading
There is a small init.lua
module that intercepts boot. It sends a broadcast packet for discovery,
then opens a telnet server on port 2323 for 25 seconds. Then, it proceeds with normal boot. It boots
to main.lua
The utility program, mcutool
, provides a simple client program for interacting with this firmware.
It can also bootstrap fresh ESP devices over serial.
mcutool wifi --port /dev/tty.usbserial SSID PASSWORD
mcutool bootstrap --port /dev/tty.usbserial
mcutool watch
# Reboot your ESP now, watch for IP
mcutool send --ip <IP> lua/blink.lua main.lua #yay blinking lights
A simple convenience method - set the SSID and password over serial. Fortunately these settings are persistent across reboots
Send the init.lua
file up via serial. This formats all files on the chip!
Upload a file to a system. If no target is specified, it will upload to the next ESP that boots. If given a chip ID, it will wait for that unit to broadcast. If given an IP, it will connect directly.
Print the IP and Chip IDs of every ESP that boots.