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kubu4 edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 8 revisions

Data, including intermediate analysis, needs to have a url. This most often means it will live on a Network Attached Storage Device (NAS; aka a server).

Archiving data

Using the Owl NAS to store your data:

  1. Ask Steven or Sam to generate a user account for you. A folder will be created for you in: owl/web/ Ask Steven/Sam for the name of the folder, as well as your username and password.

  2. Upload data to your Owl web folder:

  3. Navigate to

  4. Click on Web Browser login. 1. If it's your first time visiting this page, your browser will present you with a warning about an insecure site or bad certificate. That's OK. Click on the option to add an exception for this site.

  5. Enter username and password. (NOTE: If it's your first time accessing your account, please change your password by clicking on the silhouette in the upper right corner, then "Personal" in the dropdown menu).

  6. Navigate to File Station > web > your_folder (If you don't see the File Station icon, click on the icon of four squares in the upper left corner and select File Station from the subsequent menu).

  7. Click-and-drag files from your computer to your owl/web folder.

Files that you have uploaded to your_folder are publicly viewable:

You can use the URLs for your files for linking in your notebook.


All folders need to contain a readme file.

The readme files should be plain text (i.e. do not create/edit the file with a word processor like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer) and should describe the contents of the folder. If there are directories in the same folder as your readme file, the directory names should be listed and a brief description of their contents should be provided.

Please refrain from using any non alpha-numeric (including spaces) in file and folder names.