👋 Hi there, I am Sid!
Ethereum + any EVM | Solana | Algorand | Hedera |
TypeScript | React | Node.js | Next.js | Express.js | GraphQL |
Nest.JS | PostgresSQL | Mongo | Next.js | AWS.js | GraphQL |
Ethereum + any EVM | Solana | Algorand | Hedera |
TypeScript | React | Node.js | Next.js | Express.js | GraphQL |
Nest.JS | PostgresSQL | Mongo | Next.js | AWS.js | GraphQL |
Ionic starter template that includes Facebook and Google open auth login through native facebook and google apps.
Forked from ionic-team/ng-cordova
AngularJS Cordova wrappers for common Cordova plugins.
Create a folder at the root of your app or project called ```.ebextensions```
Inside the folder ```.ebextensions``` create a file called ```01_ffmpeg.config```
Inside this file paste in the below contents:
package to handle shopify authentication with one function call