Shriek is a topdown RPG Horror game written in Lua, using the Love2D game engine. The story follows Tim, an 8-year old who has to spend a night alone in the house while his parents are busy in a business meeting outside the city.
Distributions of the game aren't currently available as it's a work in progress, but you can
still run it by downloading the LOVE2D game engine.
Clone this repository into your local PC, then cd into it and run love .
The game is written mostly from scratch, in Lua. Love2D is being used for rendering,asset loading etc, while the physics and entity management systems are hand written.
The pixel art for this game has been made with aseprite.
The sound is from some amazing artists over at freesound and opengameart.
All the exported art files are included in the assets
directory of this repository.
Currently, I am adding more character animations and polishing the scene and inventory management systems. While we wait, you can check out some other games on my itch profile.