This is a offline Kivy Appilcation where we can move our 'ship' on the path.
Worked On:
1. Random Path Generation
2. Perspective view 2d-> 3d
3. Static Background
4. Touch and keybord control
5. Audio
For to work in your device:
1. Python >= 3.6
2. Kivy==2.0.0
How to run ?
Recomendation: Create a venv first then follow this steps
git clone <repo>
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd kivy-galaxy/
Audio can or cannot run on some devices if it works or doesn't on any devices do tell about it.
I have included the anroid apk file inside:
If you want to learn kivy and start making this project then click here
NOTE:IF you like this project give it a star and have some ways to improve it just give it a push request.