Screen scrapes the website and downloads games. Nothing illegal, just that I'm lazy and I like old nintendo games. :)
Using the node command line (I use git bash, but to each their own)
Install the required node modules.
npm install
Compile the romthief typescript file.
tsc src/romthief.ts
- builds a javascript file (romthief.js) in the src directory (for now).
node src/romthief.js <game system: string> <page index: number>
- Nintendo NES = nintendo-nes
- Super Nintendo = nintendo-super-nes
- Atari 2600 = atari-2600
- Atari 5200 = atari-5200
- Atari 7800 = atari-7800
- Game Boy = nintendo-game-boy
- Nintendo 64 = nintendo-nintendo-64
- The array index for 0 through 26.
- Pages 0-9 = index 0.
- Page A = index 1.
- etc.
node src/romthief.js "nintendo-nes" 0
- Downloads the first page of the NES page.
- Timeout issues with downloading large games. Working on it.
- No configuration for location saving. Will be adding that in the next version.