The Kraken devs decided to remove the passive radar code from their repo: Forks of it exist [1] [2] [3] but are unmaintained and do not provide instructions on directory structure or software configuration.
This repo includes instructions on setup and removes the need for conda
in favor of pip
There is currently no premade Pi image available. If this changes a link will exist in this section.
WIP - will update here when tested and ready
This is only required if you are not using the premade images, and are setting up the software from a clean system.
- Install the prerequisites
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libfftw3-3 libfftw3-dev python3-pip
- Install Heimdall DAQ
If not done already, first, follow the instructions at to install the Heimdall DAQ Firmware.
- Clone the `krakensdr_pr`` software
cd ~/kraknrf
git clone
- Install Python dependencies
python3 -m pip install requirements.txt -U
Assuming you have followed the instructions including installing Heimdadll DAQ you should have a directory structure in ~/krakenrf
that looks like this
├── heimdall_daq_fw
│ ├── config_files
│ │ ├── kerberos_default
│ │ ├── kraken_default
│ │ ├── kraken_development
│ │ ├── pr_2ch_2pow16
│ │ ├── pr_2ch_2pow20
│ │ ├── pr_2ch_2pow21
│ │ ├── pr_2ch_2pow22
│ │ └── unit_test_k4
│ ├── Documentation
│ ├── Firmware
│ │ ├── _calibration
│ │ ├── _daq_core
│ │ │ └── __pycache__
│ │ ├── _data_control
│ │ ├── _logs
│ │ ├── __pycache__
│ │ └── _testing
│ │ ├── test_logs
│ │ └── unit_test
│ └── util
└── krakensdr_pr
├── _receiver
│ └── __pycache__
├── _signal_processing
│ └── __pycache__
├── _UI
│ └── _web_interface
│ ├── assets
│ └── __pycache__
└── util
Use CH0 to connect your reference antenna, and CH1 for your surveillance antenna.
Expected output after entering sudo password:
$ ./
[sudo] password for krakenrf:
Config file check bypassed [ WARNING ]
kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us = -1
Desig FIR filter with the following parameters:
Decimation ratio: 1
Bandwidth: 1.00
Tap size: 1
Window function: hann
FIR filter ready
Transfer funcfion is exported to : _logs/Decimator_filter_transfer.html
Coefficients are exported to: _data_control/fir_coeffs.txt
Starting DAQ Subsystem
Output data interface: Shared memory
) (
( ) )
) ( (
( |/\/\/\/\/|
Have a coffee watch radar
Starting KrakenSDR Passive Radar
Browse to
if running locally or <HOST_IP>:8080
if running on another machine on the same network.
By default the .ini
that is loaded is configured for passive radar, but others are available in the dropdown menu. Alternatively, copy the contents of one of the pr_2ch_xxxx
config files to heimdall_daq_fw/firmware/daq_chain_config.ini
prior to starting.
Please be patient on the first run, at it can take 1-2 minutes for the JIT numba compiler to compile the numba optimized functions, and during this compilation time it may appear that the software has gotten stuck. On subsqeuent runs this loading time will be much faster as it will read from cache.
Click Start Processing
and wait for all statuses to go green.
Check the waterfall interface to confirm you have clean signals. If everything is working as expected you can go to the Passive Radar interface and should see low correlation at all offsets other than 0Hz.
To stop the software run the stop script:
To enable data logging edit settings.json
and set one or both of save_radar_plots
and save_raw_radar_data
to true
"save_radar_plots": true,
"save_raw_radar_data": true,
"data_output_directory": "/tmp/radar_data"
You may also specify where to save the data. By default this is /tmp/radar_data
Warnings from numba
are expected and due to a future deprecation of jit objectType
compilation. See for more information.
- Check the contents of
- Check the contents of the logs in
If the issue is a problem with this repo please open a bug report.