Employees management system - web application designed to collect all your employees in one place.
- Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/ssamarin/employees-management-system.git
- Go to Project Directory
cd employees-management-system
- Install dependencies
npm i
- Run the project
npm start
Employees management system includes 4 CRUD operations
Using the validated form you can add new employees and set their monthly salary.
At any time, you can view your employees and their salary and think about reducing or expanding the team.
Employees management system makes it possible to assign an increase to employees, and mark employees who are going to be rise.
if an employee has left you, you can remove him from the list
Employees management system has search, counting and filter system. You can find out how many employees in your company, how many will receive a bonus, who will be rise and who has a salary > 1000$