A collection of Less specific rules for stylelint
Stylelint supports less syntax, but some of the rules in stylelint not working as expected , So created this plugin to supports those rules for less, since Stylelint is generally focused on standard CSS syntax.
First install Stylelint-less and stylelint (if it is not instlled already)
npm install stylelint stylelint-less
Create a config for stylelint and add stylelint-less
to the plugins array and the rules you need to the rules list. All rules from stylelint-less
need to be namespaced with less
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"at-rule-no-unknown": null,
Please refer to stylelint docs for the detailed info on using this linter.
- color-hex-case
- color-no-hex
- color-no-invalid-hex
- no-duplicate-variables
Use these rules with less
namespace example
less/color-no-hex: "true"
Please make sure there is
- No space between variable and ':'
- A space between ":" and value
@color: red;
so that these rules will work as expected. If the variable is not in the above format , you will get Invalid variable